Friday, August 2, 2019


August 1, 2019

We are always excited to share updates with you because they show how God is on the move.  This one is no different.
This summer has been a very busy time for us, but we are being blessed by all God is doing among us here in Haiti.  As you will see below, God is on the move!

I am sending this out today and early this morning (been up since 3a.m.) so you can pray today and  because the internet is working.

Immediate prayer request:  Terry will be taking a pastor back to Port tomorrow (Thursday Aug 1) then picking up another and returning to the mountain on Sunday for more conferences.  Pray for safe travels and no storms of any kind to prevent travels. We have asked Jesus to calm the storm that is close to us today in the Caribbean.   Also pray for the marriage workshop and the last two pastor conferences.  We also see another storm coming our way, not sure how soon will be in our area.

September 8-15 We will be in Sedalia with the Harmony Baptist Association for their On Mission Celebration.  Come and see us if you get a chance.

September 2019 - June 2020.  Please consider committing to help with the school ministry to go in with the gospel and sexual purity through abstinence.  This past school year they presented to over 30 schools,  over 5,000 students and over 300 teachers.  The teachers and principals are asking we continue coming each year because it is making an impact.  Less dropouts which means less pregnancies, plus a few get saved each year or come to the presenters later asking for a bible or more information.  It is taking more presenters and it takes most of a day when they go, so we pay them something to go and they walk to all the schools.  The presenters are very committed to abstinence and faithful in a local church and do a good job.  

Prison ministry:  Each time the pastors go, they return with reports of God moving in some coming to accept Christ as Savior and how others are discipling one another with the New Testaments we were able to send.  Those that received sandals were so thankful.  If you would like to help, their are still some that need sandals.  Also it cost around $50 each trip they go just for transportation.  

The evangelism conference was a great blessing.  The tool they used is called Evangelism Explosion, you can find the information for it on line.  A couple Haitian pastors in Port au Prince have been trained and  travel around Haiti using this tool to equip pastors and leaders to then equip others for all to be able to share the gospel.  They came for 2 days and one of those days they took the time to do on the job training by going out.  10 people accepted Christ.  Praise the Lord!

The Ephesians conferences are going great. Our pastor from the Church of Living Water will be here the first two weeks of August to do a half day marriage conference and the last two conferences, ending on August 15.  
The Haitian pastors all testify that they are so thankful for the opportunity to come and learn more through the Bible study, visuals and games.  Most of them have no other possibility to study and learn except when they come here. We also send our Faithful Four and Gold group to them or by the copies of lessons in their language that we send them.  Also they testify how the fellowship of the unity groups are making a difference in each of the areas as they work together to accomplish more for the kingdom of God.

We anticipate there will be at least 20 unity groups by the end of this year.  As the groups continue to expand and as God continues to enlarge our territory, the needs increase as well. Sometimes when they travel to the other unity groups they will spend 2 or 3 days there to disciple.  When they go to the prison, it is an all day trip.
We could use a couple more part time workers.  Rousier is not able to do it all and pastor a church, so he has asked to go to part time also.
As God lays it on your hearts to give and you are obedient, know that you are helping to change lives spiritually and also physically as we help with the small business loans.

We are grateful God has us here for such a time as this.

As God continues expanding our territory, we are asking you to:  

1.  Commit to pray
2.  Commit to give financially as God lays on your heart

Philippians 4:17: Not that I/we seek the gift, but I/we seek the fruit that abounds to your account.
Your gift will help evangelize the lost, disciple and equip pastors. 
Thank you in advance for giving and praying. 
All donations are tax deductible.
Please make checks out to: Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry and mail to:
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
c/o Church of Living Water
P O Box 1986
Warsaw MO  65355

Our love for Christ, what He did for us on the Cross and the love He put in our hearts for the lost and the Haitian people keep us here.  God uses your love for us, your encouragement, along with your prayers and financial giving to make it possible for us to be here to  minister and disciple pastors so they can be equipped to evangelize, disciple and be an effective pastor that teaches truth.

Show God you are truly ready to follow Him wherever He leads:

Blessings to each of you
Terry and Carolyn Routon
Your missionaries to Haiti

Book:  From the Cradle to the Mission Field
The lady that edited the book I, Carolyn is writing with Terry's help, said this about the book after editing it.  "It’s a very interesting book.  She’s funny in places, encouraging to the reader, and her faith is as challenging as it is inspiring.  I enjoyed proofing it".
It should be ready for sale September 1st, maybe a few days before.

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