Thursday, May 12, 2016

April 2016

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

We are having a great time with family and friends and also sharing at churches what God is doing in NW Haiti.  We came back a little earlier this Spring to see our oldest daughter and her family before they leave for China for 18 months.  They will be leaving the end of May.  We will be returning to Haiti June 23rd.

We had 30 VBS' last summer and with more pastor groups this year we anticipate 10 to 20 more this summer.  We also work with the churches to start a kids club to meet with these kids on a weekly basis to disciple them.

We have given most of the 1000 New Testaments out to the other 6 pastor groups so they could give them to their leaders.  All of the pastors now have a complete Bible.
All the pastors in the group that meets at our home on Fridays have received 2 goats each and one of the other groups have all received one goat.

Terry had a fender bender in Port in March.  Praise the Lord there were no injuries but the cost of $1500 we had to pay to the owner of the other vehicle.
Trip to Cap Haitian to get the New Testaments that were shipped to us went great.  The bibles were free but the trip cost us around $300 travel, guest house and food.  We were able to see Citadel, it was a huge fort and living quarters, it would have been an amazing site to have seen it built or right after it was built.   Met some other missionaries and had great fellowship with them. Wish we had more time to spend there but had to get back.  About 10 days later the missionary couple came to our area and spent a couple of days with us and we went to the beach for a little rest and relaxation.  They said our roads are the worst in Haiti and they have been to most areas of Haiti.

According to our workers everything is going great while we are away.  Pastor Tim from Hughesville Baptist Church is skyping with the pastors some while we are gone, he is doing some Q & A and discipling.
Prayer requests:
Monthly support or whenever God lays on your heart to help ( as God continues to expand our territory more monthly support is required)
VBS' this summer
Workshops this summer
Crusades this summer or fall
Pastors and others from the USA coming this summer and /or fall.
More individuals or teams to come and help
School presentations
More Bibles
Goat ministry ( will be adding sheep to that for those that would rather have sheep)
Our daughter and family travel and stay in China (Bob, Myra, Madyson, Megan, Miranda and Mackenzie)
Our visit here in the states and return to Haiti June 23.
 Remember:  Be strong in the Lord and the Power of His might.  Ephesians 6 says: We don't battle flesh and blood but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual host of wickedness in the heavenly places.  Put on the whole armor of God, PRAYER, BIBLE, gospel, truth, faith, and salvation.
Which battle are you trying to fight and with what weapons?
May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all.
Terry and Carolyn
Your Missionaries in Haiti
Our phone number while in the states:  913-701-8977
Don't forget to check the blog for pictures!!!!
Terry & Carolyn Routon
Haiti Mission
Stateside address to send donations:
Northeast Baptist Church - Haiti
619 E Lincoln
Clinton MO  64735
(put "Routon" in memo of check)
Haiti address to send packages or letters, do not send checks to this address, we cannot cash them in Haiti:
Terry Routon
3170 Airmans Dr. #2149-NBCHM
Ft. Pierce, FL  34946