Jan 2019 marks 20 years of evangelism and discipleship in NW Haiti. God has done so much more than we could ever think or imagine these past 20 years in Haiti. Many of you have been involved in the 20 years and some of you have just come on board.
Please continue to pray for Haiti and for the ministry God has called us to there. The Great Commission, disciples making disciples and helping the poorest of the poor with physical needs as the Holy Spirit leads.
Vision for 2019 will be to continue the vision listed below plus:
- Prison ministry: Five of our gold pastors are making plans to go in December to check out what they need to do. They will start by sharing the gospel and some food, starting with the jailers to build a relationship with them. There trip will cost around $500 and around $300 each time after this. I know it seems like a lot of money but if only one jailer or inmate comes to Christ, it is worth every penny because you CAN'T put a PRICE on a lost soul coming to Christ. Please pray for them as God makes a way.
- More pastor groups starting and new church plants in areas of no evangelical churches.
- July and August 2019:
- We will have one or two conferences each week for each of the other 12 unity groups.
- We will need some of you to come and help teach God's Word to these pastors.
- There will be around 20 pastors in each conference and 12 hours of teaching the book of Ephesians
- Churches/individuals if you can't come or send someone, maybe you can help by sending the dollar amount that it would cost to send someone to help fund the conferences or help someone else come.
- Please pray those God calls will come!
- Please let us know by January if you plan to come!
- Your trip cost would be airfare plus a love offering to the ministry to help with travel and food
- Each conference will cost around $500 to feed and house the pastors and provide supplies
Recap 2018:
Build unity among pastors that meet and share regularly, equipping them with the truth, providing teachable biblical lessons in their language to rid the influence of voodoo, false teachings and the traditions of man that go against the Word of God. Help with physical needs when God provides.
*Write and translate (with Rousier's help) teachable lessons in their language
*Discipling a local group of 20 Haitian pastors, 9 of which go out to help us disciple the other groups
*Provide Bibles and other materials in their language that teach truth
*Compare the truth of the Scriptures to the lies satan has put in their culture through voodoo and traditions of men
*Compare the truth of the Scriptures to the false teachings that have been in their churches for generations
*Teaching the pastors how to study the Word through the power of the Holy Spirit
*Teaching them from the Word how to have a New Testament Church
*Start unity pastor groups in areas where there are none, which seems to be most of Haiti
*Encourage the pastors to go to areas where there are no churches and start one
*All that we do and say bring glory to God
*Disciples making disciples:prepare the pastors we disciple to disciple other pastors, plus their leaders and members.
*The pastors will see the truth so they and their churches will go against their cultural traditions that go against the Scriptures and the false teachings and voodoo with the truth of the Scriptures (John 8:32), so the Christians can be set free and the lost can come to Jesus with no strings attached and no fear of voodoo. John 14:6.
*The groups that start will be discipled so they can help start other groups and teach the truth.
Harassments to the churches and unrest:
Haiti should not be defined by those that cause the unrest. Our focus should remain on the hope that we have seen the last 20 years and others have seen longer! Even in the midst of all that you see and hear reported by the news, God is moving through His local church! This is possible because of so many people’s investment with us over the years in prayer, financial support, and boots-on-the-ground training and ministering. While there definitely are a few people in Haiti causing issues that keep people in fear of coming to Haiti or sending loved ones, there are literally millions of other Haitians who have great hope for their nation and we have met and discipled many that desire to follow Jesus no matter the cost. While there are many difficulties in Haiti, there are many MORE possibilities of hope. Jesus died for each of these 10 million people and He loves even those that cause the trouble and we should too.
August 2018 pastors conference went great. As we hear testimonies of their returns to their groups, teaching what they learned, many are being set free from the bondage of voodoo traditions and customs that have been in their churches for decades.
Faithful 4 group started in June:
We saw the need to have a smaller group of 4 pastors from the gold group to lead, help make decisions, go out to start new unity groups or churches and help go when a pastor needs encouragement or make hard decisions within the church. Unity is so important and an important part of our following Christ. They have already stepped up to the plate, making good decisions and doing as they have been discipled and taught from the Word of God. They have also been going out and conducting workshops for the church leaders in the different groups. Please pray for these four pastors: Rousier, Odinal, Liverton and Paul.
The Gold group of 11 have started their small businesses with the loans that many of you helped with and it is going great. They are meeting twice a month to encourage and help one another. They are now into their 5th month to pay back. One of the pastors in the gold group shared how he had been sharing the gospel with a witch doctor and inviting him to church in his area. After around the fourth time he visited him, he came to his church that next Sunday and accepted Christ as Lord and said he wanted out of the darkness. Over 20 baptisms this year among our gold group. Many salvations among the 13 groups over 200 pastors.
Taking the gospel into the schools and teach sexual purity until marriage has been such a success. Thank you to those that have helped the past 4 years and those that continue to help. 13 salvations, that we know of, in the schools this year with over 2500 students and staff hearing the truth of the gospel.
Earthquake that hit our area Oct 6 update: No one killed in our area. A few houses damaged due to poor construction and some churches damaged and collapsed.
We have been helping with church buildings and houses that have been damaged from the hurricanes and earthquakes. And will continue as God provides. Our home church is planning to bring a team to put on some roofs in February and would like to teach some of the Haitian men to do that in the future. They also plan to make some benches.
Keep praying for Haiti and for a peaceful resolution. Thank you for loving us, the Haitian people and especially those in the Faith. Still a lot of unrest and rumors of more. Please Pray. The Haitian people didn’t ask for their circumstances. Kind of like when a person goes homeless due to tragic circumstances.
Over 200 years ago the French discovered the mahogany trees on this part of the island, went to Africa and brought slaves here to Haiti to cut down the trees and ship them to wherever they could sell them. The slaves eventually revolted and won the war to become their own independent country only to be ran by people that didn’t know how. So over the years they have allowed dictators and those that would become corrupt and take advantage of the situation to become rich . The country is now so depleted of its resources, it is very difficult to survive. On top of a continued corrupt government that doesn’t care about the people or the country, just themselves and how they can prosper, that they don’t use money they get from other countries/resources for the people, but mainly for themselves.
Then on top of that, voodoo has been deemed the countries religion by the government which gives a hold to satan. Their only hope is Jesus, but their eyes are blinded to the truth, that Jesus can set them free from the bondage voodoo and sin has on them. They only see the now which is the hunger, sickness, poverty and death. Most live in fear, even christians, because they don't realize that "Greater is He that lives in us than he who is in the world."
We can see Christ is making a difference in areas that we are teaching truth and in turn those that have learned the truth are teaching others the truth.
Lots of people want to give up on Haiti, but how can we just give up on 10 million people that didn’t ask for this situation, but because of circumstances are stuck in it.
Pray for their eyes to be opened to the truth. It is truly a spiritual battle, one that can only be won by prayer, fasting, the Word of God and the blood of Jesus.
Pray for the pastors/churches to stand strong when the government says they have to be signed up with the government that is ran by voodoo. They understand they cannot be in agreement with the government religion as long as it is controlled by satan.
As you continue to pray, give and come, know that you are a blessing and in return you will be blessed.
Enclosed is an envelope for your convenience. Please pray and ask God how He wants you to help.
FYI: we are a 501c3 if you need for tax purposes.
Terry and Carolyn
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
Please make your check out to Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry.
If you don't use the envelope, please use the address on the envelope:
POBOX 1986
Warsaw MO 65355
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