Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
November 2018
Thanksgiving: A time of thanks and we want to say thanks to each of you for your continued prayers and giving over the years. January 2019 will mark 20 years of ministry in Haiti, 15 of those full time, and many of you have been there with us each of those years through your prayers and giving and some by coming and helping on the ground in Haiti. Through the hard times, the sad times, the happy times and the many blessed times. So many times we have said we thought we were going to be a blessing and we were the ones that were blessed.
We know that God has used many of you to encourage, pray and give over those years to keep us serving.
Some of you have just come on board in the last few months or years and we thank you all for being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- Two of the faithful four are making plans to start a church in Port au Prince to teach truth and evangelize. One of them is in Port now responding to people that have been praying for a church in that area. Please pray for them as they follow the Holy Spirits lead.
- Reminder: We need to hear from those coming to help with the pastor conferences in July, August 2019 by January. Also if you can't come, please pray about helping with the cost. Each conference will cost around $500.
- Schools: Going great. Recently had 12 salvations.
- Loan we have given to the 11 gold pastors: Going great. They are in their fourth month paying it back.
- Disciples making disciples: Two of our gold group has been going to other groups and discipling the leaders in their churches.
- Prison ministry: Five of our gold pastors are making plans to go in December to share the gospel and some food starting with the jailers to build a relationship with them. There trip will cost around $500 and around $300 each time after this. Please pray for them and that God will make a way.
- $10 for tin: The roofs our home church is planning to put on the church buildings in February, $10 covers one piece of tin and purchases the wood and screws for that piece of tin.
- Please continue to pray for those that need repairs for their houses after that last earthquake I mentioned in our last update.
We all are so blessed and have so much to be thankful. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and we pray you will be able to be with family. We will have at least two Thanksgiving meals with family. Looking forward to this time since we have been in Haiti during this times the past few years.
Love to all,
Terry and Carolyn
Our love for Christ, what He did for us on the Cross and the love He put in our hearts for the lost and the Haitian people keep us serving in Haiti. God uses your love for us, your encouragement, along with your prayers and financial giving to make it possible for us to be in Haiti to minister and disciple pastors so they can be equipped to evangelize, disciple and be an effective pastor that teaches truth.
We will be here in the states through the first week of January. Our stateside phone number is 913-701-8977 if you would like to call or text us just to talk to make an appointment to see us before we leave.
If you want to help with any of the above items, please note it on your check.
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
POBox 1986
Warsaw MO 65355
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