A relaxing day at the beach
Faithful Four will be helping make decisions especially when we are in the USA
Bread oven in Haiti
Terry and Carolyn utilize this blog to keep those following updated about the mission in Haiti God has called them to. They use regular reports, pictures, needs and prayer requests to do so.
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
FYI: I am writing a book called "From the Cradle to the Mission Field". God used a friend a couple years ago to begin encouraging me to write a book. Then over a course of several months, through prayer, God showed me how to begin writing it and the name. If should be ready sometime this year and will let everyone know when it is. Please pray it will bring glory to God and be used as He plans.
Jan 2019 marks 20 years of evangelism and discipleship in NW Haiti. God has done so much more than we could ever think or imagine these past 20 years in Haiti. Many of you have been involved in the 20 years and some of you have just come on board.
Please continue to pray for Haiti and for the ministry God has called us to there. The Great Commission, disciples making disciples and helping the poorest of the poor with physical needs as the Holy Spirit leads.
Vision for 2019 will be to continue the vision listed below plus:
- Prison ministry: Five of our gold pastors are making plans to go in December to check out what they need to do. They will start by sharing the gospel and some food, starting with the jailers to build a relationship with them. There trip will cost around $500 and around $300 each time after this. I know it seems like a lot of money but if only one jailer or inmate comes to Christ, it is worth every penny because you CAN'T put a PRICE on a lost soul coming to Christ. Please pray for them as God makes a way.
- More pastor groups starting and new church plants in areas of no evangelical churches.
- July and August 2019:
- We will have one or two conferences each week for each of the other 12 unity groups.
- We will need some of you to come and help teach God's Word to these pastors.
- There will be around 20 pastors in each conference and 12 hours of teaching the book of Ephesians
- Churches/individuals if you can't come or send someone, maybe you can help by sending the dollar amount that it would cost to send someone to help fund the conferences or help someone else come.
- Please pray those God calls will come!
- Please let us know by January if you plan to come!
- Your trip cost would be airfare plus a love offering to the ministry to help with travel and food
- Each conference will cost around $500 to feed and house the pastors and provide supplies
Recap 2018:
Build unity among pastors that meet and share regularly, equipping them with the truth, providing teachable biblical lessons in their language to rid the influence of voodoo, false teachings and the traditions of man that go against the Word of God. Help with physical needs when God provides.
*Write and translate (with Rousier's help) teachable lessons in their language
*Discipling a local group of 20 Haitian pastors, 9 of which go out to help us disciple the other groups
*Provide Bibles and other materials in their language that teach truth
*Compare the truth of the Scriptures to the lies satan has put in their culture through voodoo and traditions of men
*Compare the truth of the Scriptures to the false teachings that have been in their churches for generations
*Teaching the pastors how to study the Word through the power of the Holy Spirit
*Teaching them from the Word how to have a New Testament Church
*Start unity pastor groups in areas where there are none, which seems to be most of Haiti
*Encourage the pastors to go to areas where there are no churches and start one
*All that we do and say bring glory to God
*Disciples making disciples:prepare the pastors we disciple to disciple other pastors, plus their leaders and members.
*The pastors will see the truth so they and their churches will go against their cultural traditions that go against the Scriptures and the false teachings and voodoo with the truth of the Scriptures (John 8:32), so the Christians can be set free and the lost can come to Jesus with no strings attached and no fear of voodoo. John 14:6.
*The groups that start will be discipled so they can help start other groups and teach the truth.
Harassments to the churches and unrest:
Haiti should not be defined by those that cause the unrest. Our focus should remain on the hope that we have seen the last 20 years and others have seen longer! Even in the midst of all that you see and hear reported by the news, God is moving through His local church! This is possible because of so many people’s investment with us over the years in prayer, financial support, and boots-on-the-ground training and ministering. While there definitely are a few people in Haiti causing issues that keep people in fear of coming to Haiti or sending loved ones, there are literally millions of other Haitians who have great hope for their nation and we have met and discipled many that desire to follow Jesus no matter the cost. While there are many difficulties in Haiti, there are many MORE possibilities of hope. Jesus died for each of these 10 million people and He loves even those that cause the trouble and we should too.
August 2018 pastors conference went great. As we hear testimonies of their returns to their groups, teaching what they learned, many are being set free from the bondage of voodoo traditions and customs that have been in their churches for decades.
Faithful 4 group started in June:
We saw the need to have a smaller group of 4 pastors from the gold group to lead, help make decisions, go out to start new unity groups or churches and help go when a pastor needs encouragement or make hard decisions within the church. Unity is so important and an important part of our following Christ. They have already stepped up to the plate, making good decisions and doing as they have been discipled and taught from the Word of God. They have also been going out and conducting workshops for the church leaders in the different groups. Please pray for these four pastors: Rousier, Odinal, Liverton and Paul.
The Gold group of 11 have started their small businesses with the loans that many of you helped with and it is going great. They are meeting twice a month to encourage and help one another. They are now into their 5th month to pay back. One of the pastors in the gold group shared how he had been sharing the gospel with a witch doctor and inviting him to church in his area. After around the fourth time he visited him, he came to his church that next Sunday and accepted Christ as Lord and said he wanted out of the darkness. Over 20 baptisms this year among our gold group. Many salvations among the 13 groups over 200 pastors.
Taking the gospel into the schools and teach sexual purity until marriage has been such a success. Thank you to those that have helped the past 4 years and those that continue to help. 13 salvations, that we know of, in the schools this year with over 2500 students and staff hearing the truth of the gospel.
Earthquake that hit our area Oct 6 update: No one killed in our area. A few houses damaged due to poor construction and some churches damaged and collapsed.
We have been helping with church buildings and houses that have been damaged from the hurricanes and earthquakes. And will continue as God provides. Our home church is planning to bring a team to put on some roofs in February and would like to teach some of the Haitian men to do that in the future. They also plan to make some benches.
Keep praying for Haiti and for a peaceful resolution. Thank you for loving us, the Haitian people and especially those in the Faith. Still a lot of unrest and rumors of more. Please Pray. The Haitian people didn’t ask for their circumstances. Kind of like when a person goes homeless due to tragic circumstances.
Over 200 years ago the French discovered the mahogany trees on this part of the island, went to Africa and brought slaves here to Haiti to cut down the trees and ship them to wherever they could sell them. The slaves eventually revolted and won the war to become their own independent country only to be ran by people that didn’t know how. So over the years they have allowed dictators and those that would become corrupt and take advantage of the situation to become rich . The country is now so depleted of its resources, it is very difficult to survive. On top of a continued corrupt government that doesn’t care about the people or the country, just themselves and how they can prosper, that they don’t use money they get from other countries/resources for the people, but mainly for themselves.
Then on top of that, voodoo has been deemed the countries religion by the government which gives a hold to satan. Their only hope is Jesus, but their eyes are blinded to the truth, that Jesus can set them free from the bondage voodoo and sin has on them. They only see the now which is the hunger, sickness, poverty and death. Most live in fear, even christians, because they don't realize that "Greater is He that lives in us than he who is in the world."
We can see Christ is making a difference in areas that we are teaching truth and in turn those that have learned the truth are teaching others the truth.
Lots of people want to give up on Haiti, but how can we just give up on 10 million people that didn’t ask for this situation, but because of circumstances are stuck in it.
Pray for their eyes to be opened to the truth. It is truly a spiritual battle, one that can only be won by prayer, fasting, the Word of God and the blood of Jesus.
Pray for the pastors/churches to stand strong when the government says they have to be signed up with the government that is ran by voodoo. They understand they cannot be in agreement with the government religion as long as it is controlled by satan.
As you continue to pray, give and come, know that you are a blessing and in return you will be blessed.
Enclosed is an envelope for your convenience. Please pray and ask God how He wants you to help.
FYI: we are a 501c3 if you need for tax purposes.
Terry and Carolyn
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
Please make your check out to Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry.
If you don't use the envelope, please use the address on the envelope:
POBOX 1986
Warsaw MO 65355
December 2018
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year
Christmas in Haiti is a little different. They celebrate Christmas on Christmas Day but they only celebrate the birth of Jesus, usually at their churches. Then on New Years Day, they give gifts with family get togethers if they have something to make or give and have a special meal.
Prayer reminders:
The unrest in Haiti
Our return in January
Five of the Gold group going to the Prison in Port au Paix, 3-1/2 hours away by motorcycle
Roofs on the churches as needed
Provision for the team coming in February to put on a couple roofs and make some benches
Provision for the July and August pastor conferences and pastors/teachers to come
Church plant in Port au Prince
Gold group pastors small businesses
Schools we minister in
Faithful 4
Faithful 4 church plants
Expansion of more pastor groups
Someone said, "some of those ministries cost a lot of money". Yes, some of them do, but you can't put a price on a lost soul coming to Christ.
"Behold, how good and pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity" Psalm 133:1:
The church is a team. The success of the church depends on the commitment of the players. The church can only win when its members cheer each other on in unity. Our Captain knows that if His team isn’t unified, we will fail. Every time we take the field of life , we can choose to cheer or complain, encourage or criticize, laugh or groan. If we listen carefully to our coach and follow his commands we can beat satan’s team in a shutout!! The church team isn’t complete without each of us. God designed it that way. We’re the number one draft picks on God’s roster. He wants us to be bold and step and answer the call. On God’s team, we have the ability to score and win.
Terry and Carolyn
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
P O Box 1986
Warsaw MO 65355
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
November 2018
Thanksgiving: A time of thanks and we want to say thanks to each of you for your continued prayers and giving over the years. January 2019 will mark 20 years of ministry in Haiti, 15 of those full time, and many of you have been there with us each of those years through your prayers and giving and some by coming and helping on the ground in Haiti. Through the hard times, the sad times, the happy times and the many blessed times. So many times we have said we thought we were going to be a blessing and we were the ones that were blessed.
We know that God has used many of you to encourage, pray and give over those years to keep us serving.
Some of you have just come on board in the last few months or years and we thank you all for being obedient to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
- Two of the faithful four are making plans to start a church in Port au Prince to teach truth and evangelize. One of them is in Port now responding to people that have been praying for a church in that area. Please pray for them as they follow the Holy Spirits lead.
- Reminder: We need to hear from those coming to help with the pastor conferences in July, August 2019 by January. Also if you can't come, please pray about helping with the cost. Each conference will cost around $500.
- Schools: Going great. Recently had 12 salvations.
- Loan we have given to the 11 gold pastors: Going great. They are in their fourth month paying it back.
- Disciples making disciples: Two of our gold group has been going to other groups and discipling the leaders in their churches.
- Prison ministry: Five of our gold pastors are making plans to go in December to share the gospel and some food starting with the jailers to build a relationship with them. There trip will cost around $500 and around $300 each time after this. Please pray for them and that God will make a way.
- $10 for tin: The roofs our home church is planning to put on the church buildings in February, $10 covers one piece of tin and purchases the wood and screws for that piece of tin.
- Please continue to pray for those that need repairs for their houses after that last earthquake I mentioned in our last update.
We all are so blessed and have so much to be thankful. Have a blessed Thanksgiving and we pray you will be able to be with family. We will have at least two Thanksgiving meals with family. Looking forward to this time since we have been in Haiti during this times the past few years.
Love to all,
Terry and Carolyn
Our love for Christ, what He did for us on the Cross and the love He put in our hearts for the lost and the Haitian people keep us serving in Haiti. God uses your love for us, your encouragement, along with your prayers and financial giving to make it possible for us to be in Haiti to minister and disciple pastors so they can be equipped to evangelize, disciple and be an effective pastor that teaches truth.
We will be here in the states through the first week of January. Our stateside phone number is 913-701-8977 if you would like to call or text us just to talk to make an appointment to see us before we leave.
If you want to help with any of the above items, please note it on your check.
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
POBox 1986
Warsaw MO 65355
October 2018
Disciples making disciples.
While here in the states we have heard from our pastors that 2 more groups are starting, the gold group feels the Holy Spirit speaking to them to go and do some prison ministry/evangelism and the Faithful 4 are going by two's to disciple leaders at other groups.
They are beginning to do what we have been training and equipping them to do. They are desiring to start new churches, helping other pastors start unity groups and disciple each other. They are listening to the Holy Spirit instead of leaning on us to do that for them and tell them what they should do.
Earthquake that hit our area Oct 6 update: No one killed in our area. A few houses damaged due to poor construction and some churches damaged and collapsed.
Message from Pastor Rousier and the gold group:
Good morning there friends,
We the Gold group met Monday, October 8, and we talked about what happened during and after the earthquake. Still checking on everyone and also the other groups.
These are some that we know about that got damaged from the earthquake:
Ducas; his church fell down and five church members house got damaged
Guillet; his house got damaged
Paul Delivrance; a church member's house (and the people are really scare to go in the church)
Lencius; three church members (house damaged)
Rouseier; my mother-in-law's house got damaged
And it's been raining almost every day since the earthquake.
Please continue to pray.
Thank you
The Gold group
A personal testimony message from Pastor Rousier about the schools: (picture below)
Today was my first time felt so blessed going to the schools.
After we finished our messages on the sexual purity one of the students asked us to pray (they have a prayer time at noon every day) so we prayed. While we were praying I felt to do an invitation.
Then I asked the students permission. We did it. About twelve accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Also please pray for the students as we share the gospel. Many come from homes with voodoo and as they accept Christ they will be rejected by their families. Your prayers are so important.
1. Need pastors and/or lay people that want to teach the Word of God to a group or groups of pastors July and August 2019.
It will be the book of Ephesians with about 10-11 hours of teaching each conference.
We will need to have your commitment by January 2019.
Please contact us if you are interested.
Each conference will cost $400 to $500.
There will be 8 conferences throughout those two months.
If you can't come, maybe you would like to help with the cost.
2. Pastor Paul's church building, the one we attend when we are in Haiti, needs a new building, but the poverty level in our part of Haiti is to great to be able to buy all the materials.
3. Prison ministry that was mentioned briefly in our last Psalm 133 update and as mentioned above, the gold group sent us a message that God is moving in their hearts to go to a prison in Port au Paix which is about 30 miles away. It will take about 3 hours on a motorcycle or about 4 hours by truck. Please pray God will make a way. Not sure what the cost will be to get there once a month but if you would like to help with this, just specify on your check or send us a message via email or facebook that you want a specific amount to go toward the prison ministry.
4. Pastor Odinal that had the motorcycle wreck and broke his leg is doing better, but still needs our prayers. He also needs help with medical bills and food for his family while he is unable to work. They don't have insurance or disability there.
Philippians 4:17: Not that I/we seek the gift, but I/we seek the fruit that abounds to your account.
Your gift will help evangelize the lost, disciple and equip pastors and leaders.
Please pray and ask God what He would have you do.
Thank you for giving and praying.
All donations are tax deductible.
Please make checks out to: Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry and mail to:
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
c/o Church of Living Water
P O Box 1986
Warsaw MO 65355
Our love for Christ, what He did for us on the Cross and the love He put in our hearts for the lost and the Haitian people keep us here. God uses your love for us, your encouragement, along with your prayers and financial giving to make it possible for us to be here too minister and disciple pastors so they can be equipped to evangelize, disciple and be an effective pastor that teaches truth.
Show God you are truly ready to follow Him wherever He leads:
Blessings to each of you
Terry and Carolyn Routon
September 2018
We are enjoying our time back with family and friends. We also have already seen some of our church families. We always enjoy and look forward to sharing what God is doing in NW Haiti. The exciting part we are sharing this time is how He continues to move in the hearts of these pastors as they continue to grow, to teach their congregations the truth and to go out and start more unity groups and just recently working on a plan to go into the prison a few hours away from us to evangelize and make disciples. The prison ministry has been all the pastors idea from the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Some of you have asked why we do missions the way we do, you say it is different than the way we usually see missions done:
- We strive to follow the Holy Spirits leading.
- To equip those we work with to do what we do (evangelize and disciple) and give them opportunity to show them we trust them to do it even when we are not there.
- So they don't become dependent on us for the spiritual or physicals needs
- First: as we stay in the Word of God and spend time in prayer, we believe He directs our path to do so.
- Second: as mentioned before, life is hard here and sometimes we feel we need that break physically and spiritually.
- Third: we have seen a pattern here: when we stay too long at a time the Haitian people begin to push to become dependent on us, especially spiritually. We see the pastors have grown so much more after we have been here awhile teaching or others coming in to teach then we leave for awhile which causes them to dig in the Word more individually and together in unity plus solve problems that they would have come to us for, but with us not there they have come to realize they can solve them together and with the Word.
- Fourth: our ultimate goal is for the Haitian pastors to be able to do what we have been training them to do and the best way for them to do it and build the confidence it will take to do it, is for us to watch them do it then leave and have them do it without us there. Then we will be their cheerleaders, teaching and facilitating by encouraging individuals or groups of pastors and lay people to come to Haiti and also teach more from the Word of God to help them grow so they can disciple others.
Laptop for the pastors library
Travel size soaps and shampoo you get from hotels and travel size toothpaste to use in the prison ministry the pastors are planning
Items for the block and roofing for the building of the church we attend in Haiti:
$ 240 to buy 60 pieces of tin
$ 800 to buy 100 bags of cement
$ 900 to buy wood
$ 300 to buy rebar
$ 120 to buy a load of sand
$ 125 to buy a load of rock
$ 500 labor to lay the block
Then our home church is planning to come put the roof on when they are ready for that.
February 2019 we have some coming from Church of Living Water to put a roof on one or two of the churches and possibly make some benches.
Summer of 2019 we are planning to have a conference for each pastors group so they can all attend from each group, which will be 15 to 25 each conference.
Need:2019 send your pastor or lay people willing to come 2 weeks to teach God’s Word to pastors. Mid June to end of August in 2019 we will have pastor groups at our home in Haiti. Approximately 20 pastors in each conference. 8 to 10 lessons 1 to 2 hours each. If you can’t send, could you commit to sending funds that would equal to sending 1 or 2 people to help fund this venture.
We are planning the conferences to be on the study of Ephesians and some of the false teachings, which we will provide information on the false teachings in the churches here and some cultural issues that go against the Word of God.
Prayer for each conference and that God will provide all we need to do each one.
Each conference will cost approximately $500.
We are in the states and available September - December to visit with you about coming next summer or just come and share what God is doing.
Testimony from Nathaniel who came in August:
During my trip in Haiti it was such an amazing time! It is such a beautiful country but it makes me so sad because they don’t take care of it cause they don’t have an option because their government doesn’t supply a place for trash. But on the side of spiritual things their main religion there is voodoo and that’s very difficult for a child who wants to be in Christianity because they will kick that child out and put a curse on them. That’s why it’s so difficult for them to take the Lords supper, and be baptized.It’s just so sad to see how we take thing for granted here in the states.
As God continues to expand our territory we are asking you to also pray about going to the next level with us like The Church of Living Water and other churches and individuals are committing to do.
Pray about the information below then send your commitment back via email or print it off and mail it to our address.
Name _____________________________
address ____________________________
phone number ______________________
email _____________________________ if you received his via mail.
- I/we would like to help with a one time gift:______
- I/we would like to help with a monthly pledge:_______
- I/we would like more information about going to Haiti to help: _____________
- I/we commit to pray.
Philippians 4:17: Not that I/we seek the gift, but I/we seek the fruit that abounds to your account.
Your gift will help evangelize the lost, disciple and equip pastors.Please pray and ask God what He would have you do.
Thank you in advance for giving and praying.
All donations are tax deductible.
Please make checks out to: Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry and mail to:
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
c/o Church of Living Water
P O Box 1986
Warsaw MO 65355
Our love for Christ, what He did for us on the Cross and the love He put in our hearts for the lost and the Haitian people keep us here. God uses your love for us, your encouragement, along with your prayers and financial giving to make it possible for us to be here too minister and disciple pastors so they can be equipped to evangelize, disciple and be an effective pastor that teaches truth.
Show God you are truly ready to follow Him wherever He leads:
Blessings to each of you
Terry and Carolyn Routon
Your missionaries to Haiti
Greetings in the Name of Jesus Christ our Lord
August 2018
Keep praying for Haiti and for peaceful resolution. Thank you for loving us, the Haitian people and especially those in the Faith. Still a lot of unrest and rumors of more. Please Pray.
The Haitian people didn’t ask for their circumstances. Kind of like when a person goes homeless due to tragic circumstances.
Over 200 years ago the French discovered the mahogany trees on this part of the island, went to Africa and brought slaves here to Haiti to cut down the trees and ship them to wherever they could sell them. The slaves eventually revolted and won the war to become their own independent country only to be ran by people that didn’t know how. So over the years they have allowed dictators and those that would become corrupt and take advantage of the situation to become rich . The country is now so depleted of its resources it is very difficult to survive. On top of continued corrupt government that doesn’t care about the people or the country, just themselves and how they can prosper, that they don’t use money they get from other countries/resources for the people, but mainly for themselves.
Then on top of that voodoo has been deemed the countries religion by the government which gives a hold to satan. Their only hope is Jesus, but their eyes are blinded to the truth that Jesus can set them free from the bondage voodoo and sin has on them. They only see the now which is the hunger, sickness, poverty and death. Most live in fear, even christians, because they don't realize that "Greater is He that lives in us than he who is in the world."
We can see Christ is making a difference in areas that we are teaching truth and in turn those that have learned the truth are teaching others the truth.
Lots of people want to give up on Haiti, but how can we just give up on 10 million people that didn’t ask for this situation but because of circumstances are stuck in it.
Pray for their eyes to be opened to the truth. It is truly a spiritual battle, one that can only be won by prayer, fasting, the Word of God and the blood of Jesus.
Pray for the pastors/churches to stand strong when the government says they have to be signed up with the government that is ran by voodoo. They understand they cannot be in agreement with the government religion as long as it is controlled by satan.
We were so honored to have Pastor Daniel Yoder, Pastor Isaiah Benedict and Nathaniel Rushing from Church of Living Water, Warsaw, our home church. They spent several days with us and helped teach at the pastors conference.
Pastor Isaiah shared a testimony from his trip: “During my trip to Haiti I had the privilege of speaking at this years pastors unity conference. It was a great honor to be a part of this event and to see how God is moving in Haiti through Terry and Carolyn and the work that they are doing with all the pastors and the unity groups that have started. I enjoyed visiting with all the pastors and hearing about how God is working in their groups. Although the culture is much different than ours, there are so many similarities and the greatest is that we serve the same God. God is definitely not dead in Haiti. i thank God for allowing me to have this experience and I plan to return next year.”
The pastors conference for all the groups went great. We had two come from each group which totaled 24.
Some of the testimonies of the groups are as follows;
Jan Rabel: Privilege and blessing to all groups. They have started working together. They helped a new group start and desire to help others start new groups and disciple.
Jakoby: Like all the lessons we provide. They have others not in the group hungry for the Word and want them to teach the truth in these sessions. Unity is stronger when working together and desire to help start other groups.
Ginode: They started by visiting another group and wanted the lessons. They don’t understand why others don’t do what we do. Go out and evangelize together. Reported 4 salvations. Praise the Lord!!
Bedeyhen: Unity growing, had revival together in area and have changed pulpits on Sundays sometimes. Like the lessons.
Bombard: Unity growing, and helping start new groups. Really like the lessons.
Hyjacko: Group going well. Really like the lessons.
Bodne: Unity is growing. Like the lessons. They go out and disciple others with the lessons. The group had a revival together in their area.
Wochfort: New group. Building unity has been difficult, but they will persevere. A woman came to them possessed by a demonic spirit and by the power of God they were able to cast it out. Praise God!!
Capin: Thankful for lessons, they are important and helpful. They live by Matt 6:33.
Dodan: The unity has changed minds of their churches. Now they preach truth.
Godet: They are growing, 30 members and working together. Lessons are great.
MareRouge group: Meet each Friday with average 20. Gold group of 10 and Faithful 4 which help teach, lead and start other groups. They evangelize together and meet in each others churches.
Ansrouge: They were not able to make it, but they shared they too like the lessons and working together in Unity.
All agreed first Friday of each month at 6a.m. wherever they are, all will pray. If you would like to join these pastors, they would appreciate that.
Summer of 2019 we are planning to have a conference for each pastors group so they can all attend from each group, not just 2 from each group.
Need:2019 send two willing to come 2 weeks to teach God’s Word to pastors. Mid June to end of August in 2019 we will have pastor groups at our home in Haiti. Approximately 20 pastors in each conference. 8 to 10 lessons 1 to 2 hours each. If you can’t send, could you commit to sending funds that would equal to sending 1 or 2 people to help fund this venture.
We are planning the conferences to be on the study of Ephesians and some of the false teachings, which we will provide information on the false teachings in the churches here and some cultural issues that go against the Word of God.
Prayer for each conference and that God will provide all we need to do each one.
Each conference will cost approximately $1000.
We are in the states and available September - December to visit with you about what God is doing in NW Haiti and/or coming next summer. Phone: 913-701-8977.
Also pray for the sexual purity/gospel presentations in the schools this school year which will begin in a couple of weeks.
- I/we would like to help with a one time gift:______
- I/we would like to help with a monthly pledge:_______
- I/we would like to help with the 2019 pastor conferences:___________________
- I/we would like to help with the church constructions we are helping with walls or roofs that have been destroyed by Hurricane Matthew: _________________________
- I/we would like more information about going to Haiti to help: _____________
Philippians 4:17: Not that I/we seek the gift, but I/we seek the fruit that abounds to your account.
Your gift will help evangelize the lost, disciple and equip pastors.Please pray and ask God what He would have you do.
Thank you in advance for giving and praying.
All donations are tax deductible.
Please make checks out to: Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry and mail to:
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
c/o Church of Living Water
P O Box 1986
Warsaw MO 65355
Our love for Christ, what He did for us on the Cross and the love He put in our hearts for the lost and the Haitian people keep us here. God uses your love for us, your encouragement, along with your prayers and financial giving to make it possible for us to be here too minister and disciple pastors so they can be equipped to evangelize, disciple and be an effective pastor that teaches truth.
Show God you are truly ready to follow Him wherever He leads:
Blessings to each of you
Terry and Carolyn Routon
Your missionaries to Haiti
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