Thursday, April 23, 2020

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

April 1 ,2020

We know these are trying times around the world.  Many of you have reached out to us to see how we and Haiti are doing.
We thank you for many prayers and please continue to pray for all of us and the Haitian people.  We are doing ok.  We have plenty of food and water to last if our stay is a little longer.  The unknown is the hardest part.  We have Pastor Isaiah and his family here with us and the date they were to fly back did not happen.  We all believe God has a plan and as we watch that plan unfold He will get the glory!  The Haitian government is kind of following what the USA does.  They have cancelled schools but staying home is very difficult for them because of their poverty, they must work or sell goods to eat.  So we have quarantined here, only allowing a few people in and keeping distance.  We don't know of any one that has the virus up here in the NW but probably won't know even if they do. 
Please continue to pray that God will make a way for our mail service, MFI, to pick us all up in His timing and our travels to Missouri will go without incident.

Josh1:9 Be bold be strong, courageous, do not be afraid for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.
When I was diagnosed with breast cancer many years ago and praise God I am cancer free .  This verse will continue to be my go to verse, wherever I am especially in Haiti and when traveling.
I encourage you to allow God's abiding presence to give you courage and know that Jesus' promise to be ever with you will keep you from fear and discouragement.

Attempt something for God
Believe He will be there with you
Continue looking/serving no matter what
Prov 3: 5& 6 
Prov 16: 3&9

Could use an old I phone that don't work in the states because they will still work in Haiti.
Thank you to those that have helped purchase the Study Bibles and bible dictionaries.
We need the money for the truck tires by fall.
The Faithful Four/Gold group are still planning to do the summer conferences which will cost around $3,000.  Even if can't this summer they will do as soon as they can after.

Continuing to trust and serve our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
Terry and Carolyn
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
POBOX 1986
Warsaw MO  65335

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