Saturday, December 28, 2019

2020 Challenge

  • Ask God to give you a 2020 vision to see others as He sees them and ask Him to break your heart for what breaks His.
  • Evangelize.
  • Disciple at least one person.


January 2020

Wow! a New Year already.  Time seems to fly as we get older and/or keeping busy serving our Lord.  Either way it is a Joy and also a privilege and honor to serve Him where He has called us.  We look forward to what God is going to do this New Year.

We will be flying into Port au Prince on January 16, staying with some in country friends/missionaries until we know it is clear to travel to our home on the mountain.

Faithful Four and the gold group recently walked 4 hours one way to visit another group and do some teaching from the lessons we provide.  They walked through mud and rain.  Also recently, they went on mission to another village where there is not a group.  They are very committed to serving the Lord.   Praise the Lord they have been able to continue visiting the prison and other groups to continue evangelizing and discipling with the truth of God's Word.

Prayer needs:
  • Access to fuel, food, internet for communication and supplies we need while in Haiti.
  • Travels.
  • Funds needed for the next few months while we are in Haiti and to help those that work with us that are struggling because of the past several months of unrest in the country which has caused items and fuel to rise in cost and a possible trip to the Dominican Republic
  • Those wanting to come to help will be able to come with no problems.
  • The Faithful 4 can rent a space in Port au Prince to start a church there.
  • Prison ministry
  • Those with the small loans that they can continue on even in the tough time
  • Others can come this spring or fall as our missions pastor and his family are planning to come in March and then a team from our home church this fall. 
Your prayers are most important and your giving is and will continue to be important as God continues to expand our territory.  Your coming as God leads to help and see is another important part.

Terry and Carolyn Routon
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
POBOX 1986
Warsaw MO  65355

Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry is a 501c3.  If you need your giving record for 2019, call Jackie at the church office at 660-438-3026.  If no answer leave a message and she or someone will get back to you.


AS WE CELEBRATE WITH THANKSGIVING AND A MERRY CHRISTMAS CELEBRATING OUR LORD'S BIRTH, we also want to say thank you to each of you, who make it possible for us to continue to serve in the country of Haiti since 2004.  


As we continue to serve there and possibly in the Dominican Republic (we can drive there from Haiti) in 2020, we ask that you continue to pray for us as we seek God's direction in all we do.

2019 was an exciting year: 
  • We grew to 18 groups and a possibility of two more groups soon.  
  • The prison ministry and how many of the inmates have accepted Christ and want more Bible study.
  • The summer conferences on the book of Ephesians were a great success
  • The Faithful Four continuing to grow and do more as Terry has taught and been an example to them
  • The book I (Carolyn), with Terry's help with the stories and Alan Balmer helped edit finished and published
  • The success of the small business loans
  • The success of the school presentations by Pastor Rousier and his church
  • Put some roofs on church buildings

We expect 2020 to be another exciting year:
  • The groups continue to grow all across Haiti
  • God expanding our territory
  • The Faithful four start a mission church in Port Au Prince
  • The prison ministry growing
  • The summer conferences will be in zones of Haiti so more pastors can attend
  • Another couple with their family coming to help
  • Going to the Dominican Republic with one or more of the Faithful Four to start a pastors group there and disciple
  • Continuing the small business loans
  • Praying God will make a way so Pastor Rousier can continue to go into the schools with sexual purity and the gospel
  • Praying God will make a way to continue working on Pastor Paul's church building (the one we attend in Haiti)
  • Pray for the rioting and unrest to come to peace so we can return to Haiti in January.  Right now you can't travel around the country so we can't travel up to the Northwest.
James 1:22 Be ye doers of the Word and not hearers only

Maybe you would like to help with a small business loan for a pastor and his family as a Christmas gift that keeps on giving because as they pay it back, it goes to help another pastor and family start a business to provide for their needs.
Also when we return, we would like to give all those that have helped in the ministry this past year a bag of rice. If you would like to help with that, the cost is $25 a bag and will need 16 bags.

Psalm 133:1 Behold how good and pleasant it is when Christians dwell in unity.

Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
Terry and Carolyn Routon
POBOX 1986
Warsaw MO  65355

Thursday, October 24, 2019


October 23, 2019

Our hearts continue to be heavy for the situation in Haiti.
Thank you and please continue to pray for us and Haiti.  The unrest is causing many problems especially for missionaries and the Haitian people to move within the country for supplies, medical treatment etc.  This unrest and destruction is similar to a national disaster, just happening from within by the evil in the country instead of wind and water.

The pastors groups are having to stay close to home because of fuel problems.  Please continue to pray for fuel supply to be available and the cost to go back down so our faithful 4 and gold group can go to the other groups as scheduled and for a pickup they can use to go to the other groups.
As we mentioned before God continues to enlarge our territory.  We are looking into going to the Dominican Republic next year.  We will be flying into Haiti in January and if the unrest isn't better, we will need to fly up to MaWouj instead of driving our truck.  Right now the other missionaries are having to fly in and out of our area because the roads are being blocked by the rioters and won't let anyone through.  The cost to fly is $685 one way. Also because of the riots the cost of everything is going up.  Please ask God what He would have you do to help financially and how to pray these next few months. 
Also when we return in January there will be many needs from the political unrest and rioting which have also made the cost of living go up but no increase in money for the people.

"The book has been a great success and God is using it for His glory.  I am getting many good reviews from those that have read it.  The book contains information about my (Carolyn's) childhood, hurts He has brought me through, how Terry and I were called to the mission field and other ministries He called us to, about Haiti and the mission in Haiti including stories, plan of salvation, and more.  It is larger print, soft back and only 113 pages.  If you or you know someone that is hurting, someone that needs Jesus or thinking about doing missions, this book would be a good read for you or them.
I will be doing a book signing at Bread of Life book and gift store in Warrensburg, Friday, November 1st from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  Also will do a book signing at Bread of Life book and gift store in Clinton, Saturday, November 9th from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m.  As long as supplies last you will get a Haitian mat to put on your table for free when you purchase a book.  Hope you can make it to one of those places to say hello and see the book, titled : From the Cradle to the Mission Field, He chose to use the most unlikely person. If you can't make it, let me know and we can arrange to get you one or to someone you would like to send one too.  They are also available now and will be after the signing at the above stores.  In Sedalia you can purchase it at the Shepherds Place."

Our time is filling up but if you would like for us to come and share what God is doing on a Sunday or during the week, please contact us as soon as possible.  We could also do a missions or ladies meeting/conference in November or December or next summer when we are back. The months summer 2020 we are planning to be back is last half of May until the end of August, so could possibly come and do some missions at your summer camp.

Question: If you are not already a liaison for the Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry, would you please consider being one for your church and friends?

Terry and Carolyn
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
P O Box 1986
Warsaw MO  65355



Prayer Needs:
*Prison ministry.  Please pray for the new converts and pray that the pastors can get there to evangelize and disciple their.  The unrest and gas issues are making it difficult to get there.  
*When we return in January we can find a vehicle for them to take the pastors to the groups and prison when gas is available, we are praying we can find a used/dependable one to purchase for around $3,000 to $5,000.
*The unrest and gas situation.  Please pray that God will intervene and calm Haiti with His peace.
*God expanding our territory with more groups and we have been invited to go to the Dominican Republic to help start a unity group.
*More small business loans for pastor $200 each.  As they pay back the loan it will go to help more pastors.
*Planting a church in Port au Prince.
*New groups

Carolyn's book:  From the Cradle to the Mission Field : are located at the following places:
*We have some with us or can mail them
*The Shepherds Place christian bookstore in Sedalia
*Bread of Life christian bookstore in Clinton and Warrensburg
The lady that edited the book said this about the book after editing it.  "It’s a very interesting book.  She’s funny in places, encouraging to the reader, and her faith is as challenging as it is inspiring.  I enjoyed proofing it".

VBS report from 2 of the churches: 30 children accepted Christ

September 2019 - June 2020.    Pastor Rousier saw one of the students out on the street.  The student thanked him for coming to the schools and sharing about staying sexually pure for marriage and the gospel.  The student also said it has helped him so much and he has made the commitment to stay sexually pure and to Christ.  This student is out of school this year and had a motorcycle to make some money.  He saw Pastor Rousier needed a ride somewhere and gave him a ride at no charge.  Because you give, this ministry is making a difference in these young people.  This last school year over 5000 students and 300 teachers heard the gospel and the why and how to remain sexually pure. 

The Ephesians conferences this summer went great. We had three pastors from the USA to come help teach the conferences.
The Haitian pastors all testified that they are so thankful for the opportunity to come and learn more through the Bible study, visuals and games.  Most of them have no other possibility to study and learn except when they come here or by the copies of lessons in their language we send them during the year by the Faithful Four and Gold group  Also they testify how the fellowship of the unity groups are making a difference in each of the areas as they work together to accomplish more for the kingdom of God. The last conference ended with pastors from several areas in Haiti that heard about what God is doing here and want to see about joining in.  Please Pray these unity groups eventually cover Haiti with the gospel and the Truth of God's Word to rid the influence of voodoo, false teaching and traditions of men. 
Thank you for allowing God to use you to help with this God size project.
Each time we send the Faithful Four and Gold group it also cost around $50-$100 for transportation.

We anticipate there will be more than 20 unity groups by the end of this year.  As the groups continue to expand and as God continues to enlarge our territory, the needs increase as well. Sometimes when they travel to the other unity groups they will spend 2 or 3 days there to disciple.  

Because all that is going on with the prison ministry and number of groups growing, they make several trips in one month. That is why we are looking for another vehicle to use just for that part of the ministry.  Please pray with us that God will make a way and find a vehicle for us that will meet the need. 

Terry and Carolyn
Psalm 133 Haiti ministry
POBOX 1986
Warsaw MO  65355

These are some of the pictures of our 2019 summer conferences

Friday, August 2, 2019


August 1, 2019

We are always excited to share updates with you because they show how God is on the move.  This one is no different.
This summer has been a very busy time for us, but we are being blessed by all God is doing among us here in Haiti.  As you will see below, God is on the move!

I am sending this out today and early this morning (been up since 3a.m.) so you can pray today and  because the internet is working.

Immediate prayer request:  Terry will be taking a pastor back to Port tomorrow (Thursday Aug 1) then picking up another and returning to the mountain on Sunday for more conferences.  Pray for safe travels and no storms of any kind to prevent travels. We have asked Jesus to calm the storm that is close to us today in the Caribbean.   Also pray for the marriage workshop and the last two pastor conferences.  We also see another storm coming our way, not sure how soon will be in our area.

September 8-15 We will be in Sedalia with the Harmony Baptist Association for their On Mission Celebration.  Come and see us if you get a chance.

September 2019 - June 2020.  Please consider committing to help with the school ministry to go in with the gospel and sexual purity through abstinence.  This past school year they presented to over 30 schools,  over 5,000 students and over 300 teachers.  The teachers and principals are asking we continue coming each year because it is making an impact.  Less dropouts which means less pregnancies, plus a few get saved each year or come to the presenters later asking for a bible or more information.  It is taking more presenters and it takes most of a day when they go, so we pay them something to go and they walk to all the schools.  The presenters are very committed to abstinence and faithful in a local church and do a good job.  

Prison ministry:  Each time the pastors go, they return with reports of God moving in some coming to accept Christ as Savior and how others are discipling one another with the New Testaments we were able to send.  Those that received sandals were so thankful.  If you would like to help, their are still some that need sandals.  Also it cost around $50 each trip they go just for transportation.  

The evangelism conference was a great blessing.  The tool they used is called Evangelism Explosion, you can find the information for it on line.  A couple Haitian pastors in Port au Prince have been trained and  travel around Haiti using this tool to equip pastors and leaders to then equip others for all to be able to share the gospel.  They came for 2 days and one of those days they took the time to do on the job training by going out.  10 people accepted Christ.  Praise the Lord!

The Ephesians conferences are going great. Our pastor from the Church of Living Water will be here the first two weeks of August to do a half day marriage conference and the last two conferences, ending on August 15.  
The Haitian pastors all testify that they are so thankful for the opportunity to come and learn more through the Bible study, visuals and games.  Most of them have no other possibility to study and learn except when they come here. We also send our Faithful Four and Gold group to them or by the copies of lessons in their language that we send them.  Also they testify how the fellowship of the unity groups are making a difference in each of the areas as they work together to accomplish more for the kingdom of God.

We anticipate there will be at least 20 unity groups by the end of this year.  As the groups continue to expand and as God continues to enlarge our territory, the needs increase as well. Sometimes when they travel to the other unity groups they will spend 2 or 3 days there to disciple.  When they go to the prison, it is an all day trip.
We could use a couple more part time workers.  Rousier is not able to do it all and pastor a church, so he has asked to go to part time also.
As God lays it on your hearts to give and you are obedient, know that you are helping to change lives spiritually and also physically as we help with the small business loans.

We are grateful God has us here for such a time as this.

As God continues expanding our territory, we are asking you to:  

1.  Commit to pray
2.  Commit to give financially as God lays on your heart

Philippians 4:17: Not that I/we seek the gift, but I/we seek the fruit that abounds to your account.
Your gift will help evangelize the lost, disciple and equip pastors. 
Thank you in advance for giving and praying. 
All donations are tax deductible.
Please make checks out to: Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry and mail to:
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
c/o Church of Living Water
P O Box 1986
Warsaw MO  65355

Our love for Christ, what He did for us on the Cross and the love He put in our hearts for the lost and the Haitian people keep us here.  God uses your love for us, your encouragement, along with your prayers and financial giving to make it possible for us to be here to  minister and disciple pastors so they can be equipped to evangelize, disciple and be an effective pastor that teaches truth.

Show God you are truly ready to follow Him wherever He leads:

Blessings to each of you
Terry and Carolyn Routon
Your missionaries to Haiti

Book:  From the Cradle to the Mission Field
The lady that edited the book I, Carolyn is writing with Terry's help, said this about the book after editing it.  "It’s a very interesting book.  She’s funny in places, encouraging to the reader, and her faith is as challenging as it is inspiring.  I enjoyed proofing it".
It should be ready for sale September 1st, maybe a few days before.

This is the picture of Pastor Paul's church, the one we attend here in Haiti.  The team from The Church of Living Water, led by Pastor Isaiah, put the roof on this church building and two others.  You will see the team scattered in the picture.

These pictures are from our summer 2019 pastor conferences

Monday, February 25, 2019

I am in the process of writing a book.  It should be ready to release this fall.  It is titled "From the Cradle to the Mission Field".  Some about my personal life and life on the mission field of Haiti.  also how God has used our (mine and Terry's) obedience to further His Kingdom.

Feb 18, 2019

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

We are so excited to share what God is doing:

Even in the midst of all the political unrest here in Haiti, God is still on the move.
We have another unity group started and another one getting ready to start which will total 15.

Pastor Rousier and Pastor Paul were able to go to the prison today, Feb 18, without incident.  Thank you to all who donated items or money to help with this ministry.
This is their report:
What a privilege to be a part of what God is doing here in Haiti.  Pastor Paul and I (Pastor Rousier) specifically want to talk about the prison ministry and give a report from our trip today.
The prison inspectors/directors shared with us in December of 2018 that they were praying for someone like us to come to be a friend to the inmates and share the love of Jesus with them.   In December, our first visit to the prison, they also told us how the prisoners were giving the guards a hard time, but today they said since we had been there and around 200 accepted Jesus on that first visit, things are getting better. 
One of the inmates had asked us to pray for him at that first visit because he had a pride issue, giving the guards a hard time and fighting all the time and he shared with us today how God is changing his life.
What else could change someone’s life, except the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Something that made our visit so special today was when they told us the government asked them not to let any visitors in because of all the protests and rioting going on around the country.  When we got there people were waiting in line.  When the inspector saw us he said. “This is your house and family.  You’re welcome”. So we were the first ones to go in.  While sitting in the inspectors office he shared how grateful they are to have us as family.  Sharing the love of God and caring  about the inmates, guards and directors.
We spent some time discipling those that accepted Jesus on that first trip, sang a few songs, and prayed.  We were able to give some Bibles, song books, tracks, bath soap and buy some food that was needed.  They were so excited to get the food because trucks were not able to bring food to them and they were running out.
The next trip we plan to take laundry soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes and shampoo.
We told the inspector/director we did not have a lot of money to buy food but we brought what we could.  The inspector said, “ Everything has been shut down, so we did not have food.  We prayed and knocked doors.  So your answer to our prayers. Jesus fed five thousand with a little bread and some fish.  God will bless what you are giving us today.”
As we were leaving a few asked Pastor Paul to talk to them and 4 of them accepted Jesus.    We also encouraged the director to find someone in the prison that can do a regular bible study.
We plan to return every 4 to 6 weeks as God provides a way.
Thank you for supporting and praying for this ministry God has put on our hears to do.
God bless you
Pastor Rousier, Pastor Paul (two of the Faithful Four)

Schools have been closed through the "lock down" they were calling it, telling people to stay in homes and not to come out.  But we anticipate the presenters will be back in the schools this week.

The "Faithful Four" have made a plan to start going to meet quarterly in unity groups of 3, because it is growing to the point they can’t get to each group every month and we all believe this will strengthen and encourage each group as times could get harder and persecution may become more prominent.
Pastor Odinal, one of the Faithful Four, is continuing to heal.  He wanted me to say thank you to all those that have been praying and helping with his medical bill.  He says there is no way he could have done it without God's people helping because they wouldn't have even done the first surgery without the first $800 US and he did not have even close to that amount of money.  The rest of the care and a second surgery also cost around $800 US as I mentioned before and he still owes around $400 US.

Please continue to pray:
For the unrest.  We are being told it is better today, Monday the 18th.  Until there is some resolution, protests can pop up anytime.  We still don't know what is to happen next, but we will continue to wait and trust God.
Also that trucks will be able to come and bring supplies to our area soon.
 We are still hoping and praying for things to settle down so the team from our home church can come in March. 
And the pastors planning to come in July and August for the pastors conferences.

Terry and Carolyn
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
POBox 1986
Warsaw MO  65355

PS: If you would like to help a specific area of ministry, please note on your check.  
As we have internet available, we will plan to send out updates to keep you posted about the unrest in the country.

February 2019


Except for fuel shortage and problems changing money to the Haitian currency, our trip back to Haiti went fairly smooth.  Thank you for your prayers, we were able to find enough fuel to get to our home in the NW mountains.  The pastor groups are doing great and growing.  It is always exciting to get back and hear their testimonies of what God is doing.  One testimony is how Pastor Paul's congregation put their hands and resources together, over the past several months, to get the walls up on the new church building and how God has blessed their obedience to do so.  Another is hearing more about how God made a way for them to get into the prison when there seemed to be no way opening up.

About a week ago we were able to find fuel again.  Praise the Lord! 

You will see below the prayer and financial needs.  They are not in order by priority, as they are all needs and prayer concerns.  Thank you for being faithful to pray and give as God's Spirit leads you.  If He prompts you to help with one of the following needs, please let me know and/or write it in the memo of your check.

Prayer and financial needs:
1. I mentioned in January that God has put it on my (Carolyn) heart to write a book.  Due to being very busy and sometimes the internet can be a problem, we have decided to wait until later in the year when we are in the states over the holidays and better internet to finish and release it.  Thank you for continued prayers and that God will use this book for His glory and to get others involved in missions.
2. 4 young single moms (all with different stories) need help with a small business loan so they can provide for their families. We will be doing a bible study with them, plus teaching them how to run a small business before giving the loan.
3. Cement for pastor Pauls church floor, iron for the final top layer of the blocks, then roofing materials.
4. In March we will begin sending 2 ladies (pastors wives from our group) to the Unity groups I have been discipling and sometimes their husbands will go also to the Unity groups in other villages to disciple the pastors wives. Discipling them as a couple on marriage and how to do sexual purity and the gospel in the schools in their areas (God continues to expand our territory and use those He has given us to disciple).  More of disciples making disciples.
5. July and August pastors conferences, each conference will cost around $500.
6. Team coming from The Church of Living Water Feb 12-27 to put two church roofs on.  Pray for provision and safety
7. David and Pamela Rushing from The Church of Living Water, coming with the team, then staying an extra 4 weeks
8. Continue to pray for the unrest. Mainly over fuel prices and pray that the fuel will continue to be available and changing money will not be an issue.
9.  Pray for the Haitian economy, it continues to drop, which makes prices go up.
10. Pastor Odinal had some prayers answered.  He is back with family and thanks to your giving, some of the loan has been paid back.  He still owes around $500.  He will return to the doctor in Port au Prince in a couple of months to see if they can take the braces off his legs that are holding the pins in while it heals and walking with crutches.  Please continue to pray for complete healing, strength and trusting God totally.
11. As the churches are getting their roofs on and we see the congregation growing, they are in need of more benches.
12. Being able to continue to go into the prisons with the gospel and New Testaments available to take.

Philippians 4:17: Not that I/we seek the gift, but I/we seek the fruit that abounds to your account.
All donations are tax deductible as we are a 501c3.
Please make checks out to: Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry and mail to:
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
c/o Church of Living Water
P O Box 1986
Warsaw MO  65355

Our love for Christ, what He did for us on the Cross and the love He put in our hearts for the lost and the Haitian people keep us here.  God uses your love for us, your encouragement, along with your prayers and financial giving to make it possible for us to be here too minister and disciple pastors so they can be equipped to evangelize, disciple and be an effective pastor that teaches truth.

Show God you are truly ready to follow Him wherever He leads:

Blessings to each of you
Terry and Carolyn Routon
Your missionaries to Haiti

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

 A relaxing day at the beach

 Faithful Four will be helping make decisions especially when we are in the USA

Bread oven in Haiti

Pastor Isaiah, Brother Nathaniel and Pastor Daniel from our home church in Warsaw came last summer to help with our pastors conference.
FYI: I am writing a book called "From the Cradle to the Mission Field".  God used a friend a couple years ago to begin encouraging me to write a book.  Then over a course of several months, through prayer, God showed me how to begin writing it and the name.  If should be ready sometime this year and will let everyone know when it is.  Please pray it will bring glory to God and be used as He plans.
 Pastor Rousiers new church building going up.

 The 6 pastors from the gold group that went to minister and evangelize at the prison in Haiti. Reported 200 accepted Christ.

2019 challenge
1. Love the Lord with all your heart all your soul and all your might.
2. Love your neighbor as yourself.
3. Make Disciples.


Jan 2019 marks 20 years of evangelism and discipleship in NW Haiti.  God has done so much more than we could ever think or imagine these past 20 years in Haiti.  Many of you have been involved in the 20 years and some of you have just come on board.  
Please continue to pray for Haiti and for the ministry God has called us to there.  The Great Commission, disciples making disciples and helping the poorest of the poor with physical needs as the Holy Spirit leads.

Vision for 2019 will be to continue the vision listed below plus:
  • Prison ministry: Five of our gold pastors are making plans to go in December to check out what they need to do.  They will start by sharing the gospel and some food, starting with the jailers to build a relationship with them.  There trip will cost around $500 and around $300 each time after this. I know it seems like a lot of money but if only one jailer or inmate comes to Christ, it is worth every penny because you CAN'T put a PRICE on a lost soul coming to Christ.  Please pray for them as God makes a way.
  • More pastor groups starting and new church plants in areas of no evangelical churches.
  • July and August 2019:
    • We will have one or two conferences each week for each of the other 12 unity groups.
    • We will need some of you to come and help teach God's Word to these pastors. 
    • There will be around 20 pastors in each conference and 12 hours of teaching the book of Ephesians
    • Churches/individuals if you can't come or send someone, maybe you can help by sending the dollar amount that it would cost to send someone to help fund the conferences or help someone else come.
    • Please pray those God calls will come!
    • Please let us know by January if you plan to come!
    • Your trip cost would be airfare plus a love offering to the ministry to help with travel and food
    • Each conference will cost around $500 to feed and house the pastors and provide supplies
Recap 2018:
Build unity among pastors that meet and share regularly, equipping them with the truth, providing teachable biblical lessons in their language to rid the influence of voodoo, false teachings and the traditions of man that go against the Word of God.  Help with physical needs when God provides.
*Write and translate (with Rousier's help) teachable lessons in their language
*Discipling a local group of 20 Haitian pastors, 9 of which go out to help us disciple the other groups
*Provide Bibles and other materials in their language that teach truth
*Compare the truth of the Scriptures to the lies satan has put in their culture through voodoo and traditions of men
*Compare the truth of the Scriptures to the false teachings that have been in their churches for generations
*Teaching the pastors how to study the Word through the power of the Holy Spirit
*Teaching them from the Word how to have a New Testament Church
*Start unity pastor groups in areas where there are none, which seems to be most of Haiti
*Encourage the pastors to go to areas where there are no churches and start one
*All that we do and say bring glory to God
*Disciples making disciples:prepare the pastors we disciple to disciple other pastors, plus their leaders and members.
*The pastors will see the truth so they and their churches will go against their cultural traditions that go against the Scriptures and the false teachings and voodoo with the truth of the Scriptures (John 8:32), so the Christians can be set free and the lost can come to Jesus with no strings attached and no fear of voodoo. John 14:6.
*The groups that start will be discipled so they can help start other groups and teach the truth.
Harassments to the churches and unrest:
Haiti should not be defined by those that cause the unrest. Our focus should remain on the hope that we have seen the last 20 years and others have seen longer! Even in the midst of all that you see and hear reported by the news, God is moving through His local church!  This is possible because of so many people’s investment with us over the years in prayer, financial support, and boots-on-the-ground training and ministering.  While there definitely are a few people in Haiti causing issues that keep people in fear of coming to Haiti or sending loved ones, there are literally millions of other Haitians who have great hope for their nation and we have met and discipled many that desire to follow Jesus no matter the cost.  While there are many difficulties in Haiti, there are many MORE possibilities of hope.  Jesus died for each of these 10 million people and He loves even those that cause the trouble and we should too.
August 2018 pastors conference went great.  As we hear testimonies of their returns to their groups, teaching what they learned, many are being set free from the bondage of voodoo traditions and customs that have been in their churches for decades.
Faithful 4 group started in June:
We saw the need to have a smaller group of 4 pastors from the gold group to lead, help make decisions, go out to start new unity groups or churches and help go when a pastor needs encouragement or make hard decisions within the church.  Unity is so important and an important part of our following Christ.  They have already stepped up to the plate, making good decisions and doing as they have been discipled and taught from the Word of God. They have also been going out and conducting workshops for the church leaders in the different groups.  Please pray for these four pastors: Rousier, Odinal, Liverton and Paul.
The Gold group of 11 have started their small businesses with the loans that many of you helped with and it is going great.  They are meeting twice a month to encourage and help one another.  They are now into their 5th month to pay back.  One of the pastors in the gold group shared how he had been sharing the gospel with a witch doctor and inviting him to church in his area.  After around the fourth time he visited him, he came to his church that next Sunday and accepted Christ as Lord and said he wanted out of the darkness.  Over 20 baptisms this year among our gold group. Many salvations among the 13 groups over 200 pastors.

Taking the gospel into the schools and teach sexual purity until marriage has been such a success.  Thank you to those that have helped the past 4 years and those that continue to help.  13 salvations, that we know of, in the schools this year with over 2500 students and staff hearing the truth of the gospel.

Earthquake that hit our area Oct 6 update:  No one killed in our area.  A few houses damaged due to poor construction and some churches damaged and collapsed.

We have been helping with church buildings and houses that have been damaged from the hurricanes and earthquakes.  And will continue as God provides.  Our home church is planning to bring a team to put on some roofs in February and would like to teach some of the Haitian men to do that in the future.  They also plan to make some benches.
Keep praying for Haiti and for a peaceful resolution.  Thank you for loving us, the Haitian people and especially those in the Faith.   Still a lot of unrest and rumors of more.  Please Pray. The Haitian people didn’t ask for their circumstances.  Kind of like when a person goes homeless due to tragic circumstances.
Over 200 years ago the French discovered the mahogany trees on this part of the island, went to Africa and brought slaves here to Haiti to cut down the trees and ship them to wherever they could sell them.  The slaves eventually revolted and won the war to become their own independent country only to be ran by people that didn’t know how.  So over the years they have allowed dictators and those that would become corrupt and take advantage of the situation to become rich .  The country is now so depleted of its resources, it is very difficult to survive.  On top of a continued corrupt government that doesn’t care about the people or the country, just themselves and how they can prosper,  that they don’t use money they get from other countries/resources for the people, but mainly for themselves.
Then on top of that, voodoo has been deemed the countries religion by the government which gives a hold to satan.  Their only hope is Jesus, but their eyes are blinded to the truth, that Jesus can set them free from the bondage voodoo and sin has on them. They only see the now which is the hunger, sickness, poverty and death.  Most live in fear, even christians, because they don't realize that "Greater is He that lives in us than he who is in the world."
We can see Christ is making a difference in areas that we are teaching truth and in turn those that have learned the truth are teaching others the truth.
Lots of people want to give up on Haiti, but how can we just give up on 10 million people that didn’t ask for this situation, but because of circumstances are stuck in it.
Pray for their eyes to be opened to the truth.  It is truly a spiritual battle, one that can only be won by  prayer, fasting, the Word of God and the blood of Jesus.
Pray for the pastors/churches to stand strong when the government says they have to be signed up with the government that is ran by voodoo.  They understand they cannot be in agreement with the government religion as long as it is controlled by satan.

As you continue to pray, give and come, know that you are a blessing and in return you will be blessed.
Enclosed is an envelope for your convenience.  Please pray and ask God how He wants you to help.  
FYI: we are a 501c3 if you need for tax purposes.

Terry and Carolyn
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry

Please make your check out to Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry.
If you don't use the envelope, please use the address on the envelope:
POBOX 1986
Warsaw MO  65355