November 13, 2017,
Our goal while in the states will be to raise $15,000 by March 1 then will need $2500 a month for the rest of the year.
Needs: Our biggest need is monthly/yearly support which can be every month or a one time yearly support or however someone or a church would want to do it. This is kind of lengthy but maybe will help.
Each month:
*We send presenters into the schools for sexual purity and the gospel. Thousands of young people are exposed to the Truth. $3,000 yr
*We send 10 pastors we have discipled for the past 4 years out to help with other unity pastor groups by helping them get started and disciple them. 9 groups and counting. $6,000 yr.
*We have not taken a salary since we came to Haiti in 2004. Last year we were given a house in Warsaw so we have come to a point we feel led by God it is ok to receive a salary each month, which will also help us get medical insurance. total for both; $15,000 yr.
Need a Motorcycle to go to those groups above and also to go to remote areas that 4 wheels can't get to, to start new groups. $1700 for this ministry project.
Rent for our house and building for our meetings. $3,000/yr
Misc ministry needs (truck expenses, ATV expenses, gas, phone, internet, propane, community help and misc $6,000 yr
Salary for our translator $2,000 to 3000 per year depends on how much we use him.
Other needs: if someone or a church wants to collect food for us to take back because American type food has gotten so expensive here. and if so I can provide them with a list of items and how many of each.
There are several churches that had extreme damage from hurricane Matthew last year so we would like to help them with cement, iron and tin. $7500 is what is needed for that ministry project.
We would like to help the pastors get started with a home business to help sustain their family. They receive no salary from church. $500 per pastor is what is needed.
About the ministry
Build unity among pastors that meet and share regularly, equipping them with the truth, providing teachable biblical lessons in their language to rid the influence of voodoo, false teachings and the traditions of man that go against the Word of God. Psalms 133
*Write and translate teachable lessons in their language
*Discipling a local group of 10 Haitian pastors to help us go disciple the other groups
*Provide Bibles and other materials in their language that teach truth
*Compare the truth of the Scriptures to the lies satan has put in their culture through voodoo and traditions of men
*Compare the truth of the Scriptures to the false teachings that have been in their churches for generations
*Teaching the pastors how to study the Word through the power of the Holy Spirit
*Teaching them from the Word how to have a New Testament Church
*Start unity pastor groups in areas where there are none, which seems to be most of Haiti.
*All that we do and say being glory to God
*Disciples making disciples:prepare the pastors we disciple to disciple other pastors plus their leaders and members.
*The pastors will see the truth so they and their churches will go against their cultural traditions that go against the Scriptures and the false teachings and voodoo with the truth of the Scriptures (John 8:32) so the Christians can be set free and the lost can come to Jesus with no strings attached and no fear of voodoo. John 14:6.
*The groups that start will be discipled so they can help start other groups and teach the truth.
About us:
We were lay people that God called out of our comfortable pew. We felt the first call to Haiti in 1999. In 2003 we sold everything we had, took a step of faith and went full time to Haiti to serve God and serve with the Haitian people totally depending on Him. Over the years He has taken us through many doors of ministry in Haiti and Missouri, the present door opened in September 2013. Every door we have walked through helped prepare us for the one described above. We have a home church that takes care of our funds, is our accountability and spiritual and emotional support. They are a small church and cannot provide a salary or all the ministry needs. We visit churches, send out updates each month via email and mail out letters 2 times a year to share what God is doing then trust God to provide for all our needs. He has been faithful and we know you will be blessed if you join in on what God is doing.
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