Monday, February 25, 2019

I am in the process of writing a book.  It should be ready to release this fall.  It is titled "From the Cradle to the Mission Field".  Some about my personal life and life on the mission field of Haiti.  also how God has used our (mine and Terry's) obedience to further His Kingdom.

Feb 18, 2019

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ

We are so excited to share what God is doing:

Even in the midst of all the political unrest here in Haiti, God is still on the move.
We have another unity group started and another one getting ready to start which will total 15.

Pastor Rousier and Pastor Paul were able to go to the prison today, Feb 18, without incident.  Thank you to all who donated items or money to help with this ministry.
This is their report:
What a privilege to be a part of what God is doing here in Haiti.  Pastor Paul and I (Pastor Rousier) specifically want to talk about the prison ministry and give a report from our trip today.
The prison inspectors/directors shared with us in December of 2018 that they were praying for someone like us to come to be a friend to the inmates and share the love of Jesus with them.   In December, our first visit to the prison, they also told us how the prisoners were giving the guards a hard time, but today they said since we had been there and around 200 accepted Jesus on that first visit, things are getting better. 
One of the inmates had asked us to pray for him at that first visit because he had a pride issue, giving the guards a hard time and fighting all the time and he shared with us today how God is changing his life.
What else could change someone’s life, except the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
Something that made our visit so special today was when they told us the government asked them not to let any visitors in because of all the protests and rioting going on around the country.  When we got there people were waiting in line.  When the inspector saw us he said. “This is your house and family.  You’re welcome”. So we were the first ones to go in.  While sitting in the inspectors office he shared how grateful they are to have us as family.  Sharing the love of God and caring  about the inmates, guards and directors.
We spent some time discipling those that accepted Jesus on that first trip, sang a few songs, and prayed.  We were able to give some Bibles, song books, tracks, bath soap and buy some food that was needed.  They were so excited to get the food because trucks were not able to bring food to them and they were running out.
The next trip we plan to take laundry soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes and shampoo.
We told the inspector/director we did not have a lot of money to buy food but we brought what we could.  The inspector said, “ Everything has been shut down, so we did not have food.  We prayed and knocked doors.  So your answer to our prayers. Jesus fed five thousand with a little bread and some fish.  God will bless what you are giving us today.”
As we were leaving a few asked Pastor Paul to talk to them and 4 of them accepted Jesus.    We also encouraged the director to find someone in the prison that can do a regular bible study.
We plan to return every 4 to 6 weeks as God provides a way.
Thank you for supporting and praying for this ministry God has put on our hears to do.
God bless you
Pastor Rousier, Pastor Paul (two of the Faithful Four)

Schools have been closed through the "lock down" they were calling it, telling people to stay in homes and not to come out.  But we anticipate the presenters will be back in the schools this week.

The "Faithful Four" have made a plan to start going to meet quarterly in unity groups of 3, because it is growing to the point they can’t get to each group every month and we all believe this will strengthen and encourage each group as times could get harder and persecution may become more prominent.
Pastor Odinal, one of the Faithful Four, is continuing to heal.  He wanted me to say thank you to all those that have been praying and helping with his medical bill.  He says there is no way he could have done it without God's people helping because they wouldn't have even done the first surgery without the first $800 US and he did not have even close to that amount of money.  The rest of the care and a second surgery also cost around $800 US as I mentioned before and he still owes around $400 US.

Please continue to pray:
For the unrest.  We are being told it is better today, Monday the 18th.  Until there is some resolution, protests can pop up anytime.  We still don't know what is to happen next, but we will continue to wait and trust God.
Also that trucks will be able to come and bring supplies to our area soon.
 We are still hoping and praying for things to settle down so the team from our home church can come in March. 
And the pastors planning to come in July and August for the pastors conferences.

Terry and Carolyn
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
POBox 1986
Warsaw MO  65355

PS: If you would like to help a specific area of ministry, please note on your check.  
As we have internet available, we will plan to send out updates to keep you posted about the unrest in the country.

February 2019


Except for fuel shortage and problems changing money to the Haitian currency, our trip back to Haiti went fairly smooth.  Thank you for your prayers, we were able to find enough fuel to get to our home in the NW mountains.  The pastor groups are doing great and growing.  It is always exciting to get back and hear their testimonies of what God is doing.  One testimony is how Pastor Paul's congregation put their hands and resources together, over the past several months, to get the walls up on the new church building and how God has blessed their obedience to do so.  Another is hearing more about how God made a way for them to get into the prison when there seemed to be no way opening up.

About a week ago we were able to find fuel again.  Praise the Lord! 

You will see below the prayer and financial needs.  They are not in order by priority, as they are all needs and prayer concerns.  Thank you for being faithful to pray and give as God's Spirit leads you.  If He prompts you to help with one of the following needs, please let me know and/or write it in the memo of your check.

Prayer and financial needs:
1. I mentioned in January that God has put it on my (Carolyn) heart to write a book.  Due to being very busy and sometimes the internet can be a problem, we have decided to wait until later in the year when we are in the states over the holidays and better internet to finish and release it.  Thank you for continued prayers and that God will use this book for His glory and to get others involved in missions.
2. 4 young single moms (all with different stories) need help with a small business loan so they can provide for their families. We will be doing a bible study with them, plus teaching them how to run a small business before giving the loan.
3. Cement for pastor Pauls church floor, iron for the final top layer of the blocks, then roofing materials.
4. In March we will begin sending 2 ladies (pastors wives from our group) to the Unity groups I have been discipling and sometimes their husbands will go also to the Unity groups in other villages to disciple the pastors wives. Discipling them as a couple on marriage and how to do sexual purity and the gospel in the schools in their areas (God continues to expand our territory and use those He has given us to disciple).  More of disciples making disciples.
5. July and August pastors conferences, each conference will cost around $500.
6. Team coming from The Church of Living Water Feb 12-27 to put two church roofs on.  Pray for provision and safety
7. David and Pamela Rushing from The Church of Living Water, coming with the team, then staying an extra 4 weeks
8. Continue to pray for the unrest. Mainly over fuel prices and pray that the fuel will continue to be available and changing money will not be an issue.
9.  Pray for the Haitian economy, it continues to drop, which makes prices go up.
10. Pastor Odinal had some prayers answered.  He is back with family and thanks to your giving, some of the loan has been paid back.  He still owes around $500.  He will return to the doctor in Port au Prince in a couple of months to see if they can take the braces off his legs that are holding the pins in while it heals and walking with crutches.  Please continue to pray for complete healing, strength and trusting God totally.
11. As the churches are getting their roofs on and we see the congregation growing, they are in need of more benches.
12. Being able to continue to go into the prisons with the gospel and New Testaments available to take.

Philippians 4:17: Not that I/we seek the gift, but I/we seek the fruit that abounds to your account.
All donations are tax deductible as we are a 501c3.
Please make checks out to: Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry and mail to:
Psalm 133 Haiti Ministry
c/o Church of Living Water
P O Box 1986
Warsaw MO  65355

Our love for Christ, what He did for us on the Cross and the love He put in our hearts for the lost and the Haitian people keep us here.  God uses your love for us, your encouragement, along with your prayers and financial giving to make it possible for us to be here too minister and disciple pastors so they can be equipped to evangelize, disciple and be an effective pastor that teaches truth.

Show God you are truly ready to follow Him wherever He leads:

Blessings to each of you
Terry and Carolyn Routon
Your missionaries to Haiti