Benches for churches
Haitian lady sitting in her house
Terry and Carolyn utilize this blog to keep those following updated about the mission in Haiti God has called them to. They use regular reports, pictures, needs and prayer requests to do so.
Saturday, October 15, 2016
October 14, 2016
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
As we send this out today our hearts are heavy for the Haitian people, especially those in the area God has planted us. We will be back in Haiti in a few days and will be able to assess the devastation first hand and hope to be able to report to you. We know there is more devastation that what is reported below. The internet will be the key to how well we can keep in touch and possibly send pictures too.
We want to urge you to not pass on this opportunity to bless others. Many of you have given already to help with the many needs there and as you continue to do so, God will bless and multiply your giving. Even if you can't give now, give when you can. This will be a rebuilding time. Not only physically but it will also test their faith in God. Most of them live each day in survival mode each day and so for their means of survival now destroyed it will be an even greater challenge.
Please pray God will use many to help with the many needs. Will YOU help them rebuild?
See picture below.
The below message is from Rousier, our interpreter and we want to share it with you:
"After talking to most of the pastors in Mare-rouge, and the other 6 pastor groups that we disciple and minister to: this is what I found so far:
Churches destroyed or need repairs; 24
Houses: destroyed or in need of repair 101
Animals perished:tc 500 (goats, pigs, donkey and mule)
School buildings: 20
Gardens and trees destroyed: a lot
The people would need food, water, clothes, shoes, hygiene products and love. As a group it is God's will to have a heart to those that are in need.
The government won't really do much for those people, but instead they would make more money when stuff like that happened. So God is asking His people to help in every way they can. It it time to turn love into ACTION. Because we believe that Action speaks louder than words.
This is just for some in our groups, if I would give an account for the commune (Mole Saint Nicolas) it would be a lot.
God is not a little god; He IS a Big God. If He's asking you or telling to give or help those that are in need, He will show you. But you should never forget that “It is more blessing to give than to recieve”
Prayers are very important. Please keep praying for Haiti and the USA also in this time of re-elections.
Pray for our return and that we can get back up the mountain without any problems.
Blessings to All
Terry and Carolyn Routon
Northeast Baptist Church Haiti mission Fund
619 E Lincoln
Clinton MO 64735
Ps: is you want to collect some items to send to us or for us to take back next time we are back in the states, please talk with us about what you would like to collect and when. Also we ask that you help with the fees of shipping and customs which is $1.60 per pound.
also due to the hurricane, MFI, asked us to change our flight to October 20. You can reach us at 913-701-8977 through the 19th. We do not always have internet when traveling to Florida so phone is the best way if you need to reach us.
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
October 5, 2016
2 Cor. 9:6 Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion for God loves a cheerful give. And God is able to make all grace abound to you so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times you may abound in eery good work.
Gal. 6:10 Therefore as we have opportunity let us do good to all,especially to those who are of the household of faith.
We are still in the USA from Terry's mom passing but will be driving to Florida and returning Oct 18 if the airlines will take us in, which should be ok by then to enter. ALSO MANY ROADS HAVE BEEN WASHED OUT, so pray we can get into Haiti and up to the mountain.
This update is coming to you right after hurricane Matthew and as you will see be the message we received from our worker in Haiti BELOW:
October 4, Rousier sent this message during hurricane Matthew: "We need y'all prayer: the storm is destroying houses, animals, trees and a lot more. the wind is really hard and heavy rain."
The "lot more" will be like food and clothing destroyed, money lost and some will have lost their business items and school items. The immediate need will be food and then roofs put back on and some complete houses.
October 5th reported by Rousier: " most of the pastors in our Friday group have lost their house, or church building or both. Have not heard from the other 6 groups yet."
We have not seen THE DEVASTATION with our own eyes YET but know from years spent in Haiti, there will be many needs and we will not be able to meet them all but we are asking you to please consider helping financially. IF YOU CAN PLEASE SEND IT TO US BEFORE WE LEAVE TO RETURN THAT WOULD BE MOST HELPFUL. BUT IF YOU CAN'T HELP TILL AFTER THAT PLEASE SEND IT ANYWAY, WE WILL BE ABLE TO GET IT WHILE IN HAITI.
Northeast Baptist Church Haiti Mission Fund
619 E Lincoln
Clinton MO 64735
mark check "hurrican relief" or if you want to be more specific.
PS: we have also been given 3,000 New Testaments we are taking back with us which will help with that need because many of the bibles they had in their homes will be destroyed.
Terry and Carolyn
His servants in Haiti
September 2016
Many of you may have already heard that Terry's mom passed away this month and we made a fast trip back. We did not make it before she passed but was able to Skype with her to see and talk with her before she died. And the joy that fills our hearts is that she is with Jesus and we will see her again one day.
We showed the movie War Room in French in the building by our house and our neighbors came. Could use some more Christian movies if they come in French to show. Rousier our translator also knows French and can help them understand.
Need a couple non-electric treadle sewing machines if you know where I could find them or if you have one that you would like to put to good use.
Last school year over 3500 students heard the sexual purity till marriage presentations and the gospel. We anticipate more this school year.
We have been blessed with some money to make benches for the churches. They were beginning to work on them when we left. So many of the churches do not have enough benches for the people to sit each Sunday and other services. We have found out even some of the benches they have are falling apart so could use some more if anyone else would like to help with the need.
WE HAVE A HUGE PRAISE! Remember we asked you to join us in asking God for 2,000 Bibles/New Testaments in 2016? He doubled our amount! A group in Richmond, MO that we helped put the New Testaments together is giving us 3,000 and we can take them back with us because we are flying back via our mail service. But, we need YOUR HELP. The cost to take them will be $1400 and since we didn't have to buy them that is just under 50 cents each, compared to $4.00 each if we have to purchase them in Haiti. If the Holy Spirit prompts you to help, we will need to receive your donation by October 5th. If you need to send it after that date, please let us know when you plan to send it.
Also have some material for sewing being donated to take back which will also cost $1.60 per pound.
Send to and put in memo "shipping bibles or material":
Northeast Baptist Church Haiti Mission Fund
619 E Lincoln
Clinton MO 64735
Been working on the false teachings in their culture and churches with the gold group of pastors. They are getting ready to go out to the other 6 groups to do teachings for Terry. We have another area asking us to come and share how the unity began and help them in their area. Please pray for the pastors as well as us because when God is up to something and at work the enemy doesn't like it.
I am so glad that the Lord heard my cry for mercy and forgave me of my sins. Today, I have a burden for the lost. It makes me sad so I know it makes Jesus sad (because He loves you and shed His blood for you), to think that people are not concerned for their eternal future. So many think they are "okay", they go to church, they do good works, they are good. But the Bible says no one is good only God and it is not by works but by Faith in Jesus. Have you made preparation for your eternal home? There is only one way to The Father, and that is through Jesus His Son. Who have you shared Jesus with today?
Featuring: Pastor Deliverance Paul (picture of him and some of his family below). He is one of the pastors in the gold group and he will be receiving some of the benches. He has been a pastor over 20 years and he started this church (Christians in Unity Church. He lives across the road from us and we attend his church when we are not speaking/preaching at another church. He has been a huge blessing to us over the past 3 years we have known him.
He has a wife, 2 children at home, 2 married and 2 that died as babies and 2 grandchildren.
The church has prayer 3 times a week, Sunday morning and evening services, children's club, choir, benevolence (where they pull their resources together to help someone in need), and private school during the week.
Their prayer requests: walk in obedience with God, place for missionaries to stay, for him as the pastor to know God's will for the church and to lead them in the right way and God will provide for all that He has called them to do.
August 2016
Greetings in the Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ
God's not dead, He is surely alive.
God is on the move, on the move, Hallelujah.
Have had some salvations this month in the market. Also salvations in the VBS' this summer(don't have any totals yet they are still going on.
The pastor groups are growing. The leaders bible study is growing in numbers and awesome testimonies below (more hunger and thirst for Him).
The young men's group Rousier and Peter work with is growing in numbers but also spiritually.
We recently had our first annual Sword Drill with the children. They loved it, had a lot of fun and learned a lot.
Testimony of one of the ladies in the leaders bible study: About 18 months ago I was told she was living with a man and not married, we approached her and showed her in the scripture where she was living in sin. She said no one had showed her in the scripture and she did not have a bible. They agreed to get married and did so about a year ago. She shared with me a few days ago how God has blessed them with a better garden and animals.
Over the past year we have talked some in the leaders bible study about tithing and obedience to God's Word in all areas of our life. Yesterday one of the ladies gave a testimony of how she had been tithing, but one month she didn't want to because she needed stuff for her house. Her daughter encouraged her to go ahead and tithe and by doing that, God would make a way. So she did, and later the same day after she gave her tithe, God gave her back more than she gave and more than she needed. PRAISE GOD. HE IS FAITHFUL AND KEEPS HIS WORD WHEN HE SAYS IN MALACHI 3 TO TEST HIM AND TRY HIM, HE WILL POUR OUT SUCH A BLESSING YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO CONTAIN IT.
We will be in Port au Prince and traveling to and from Aug 27 - 31st. Please keep us in your prayers. Every time we make the trip I think of the song Elvis used to sing "I'm all shook up". Those of you that have come know what i mean.
Pray for the false teachings that have penetrated the churches here and as we are teaching the pastors and leaders and showing them in the Word of God the truth. Guess who doesn't like that, you're right, satan. As Eph 6:12 tells us it is a spiritual battle, we don't fight flesh and blood but principalities, powers of evil, darkness, and that is why your prayers are so important.
Pray for group #8 and the spiritual battle going on.
Pray for the school presentations as school will be starting soon.
Pray for the VBS' that will continue through this month of August.
Pray for our pastor groups: To many pastor names to mention one by one so pick a group #1-7 and pray for that group this week.
Pray for Terry's mom: as we are sending this out she is in the Bothwell hospital with Pneumonia
Remember as you pray and give you are a part of what God is doing and allows us to do the work God has called us to do. Thank you!
Below is picture of Petervens August: Age 24.He is our worker. Has been here about a year. Keeps the grounds, runs errands when needed, and is a huge help in all our meetings. He and Rousier direct the children that come on Thursday's and he also is one of our presenters in the schools. He accepted Christ 9 years ago. Married, wife's name Dieuna, and has one boy age 5 and he also cares for an orphan. He heads a prayer group in his church. They visit group members every week to pray, encourage if they have a need. Peter also does evangelism with the group. The group meets every Monday to sing, pray and study the Bible. He enjoys reading, gardening and visiting. We have seen him grow a lot in his walk with the Lord since has been here. We can see he enjoys serving the Lord. He and Rousier are also our GPS when traveling in Haiti.
Love in Christ,
Terry & Carolyn Routon
Haiti Mission
Stateside address to send donations:
Northeast Baptist Church - Haiti
619 E Lincoln
Clinton MO 64735
(put "Routon" in memo of check)
Northeast BC phone 660-885-5277
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