Monday, October 5, 2015

Sept 26, 2015
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
So much is happening, God is working, we wanted to send a second update this month and let you know how your giving and praying is such a blessing.  Plus a special insert below from Pastor Greg Bunn about his time spent with us and the pastors etc.
VBS reports : Mawouj: 17 VBS'; children attended: 1,927; salvations: 175 children plus 1 parent
Bombard: 10 VBS'; children attended: 680; salvations: 80
God continues to expand our territory and it is such a privilege to be a part of what God is doing here, the leaders group is meeting each week now on Wednesday at 3:00. They have been averaging 20.  We changed the children to Thursday's.
We have a film exclusively for ladies called Mary Magdalene.  Tells her story of how she met Jesus and then followed Him.  It also has an ending that ministers to women.  Have shown it a couple of times, plan to begin showing it regularly and ministering to the women that come to see it in January.  Many come because for them seeing a film is a novelty.
2 Crusades in the planning stage (praying) for the first of next year. 

ATV: we were able to get the tires needed.  Terry went to one of the pastors groups about 1 hour away then another 2 hours away to do some encouraging and teaching this month.  Such a huge blessing.
Hello Routon Supporters,
My name is Gregory Bunn and I just finished my second trip to the Northwestern Mountains of Haiti. This year I led a pastor/wives marriage workshop, met with the pastors one on one and helped to provide some goats/pigs to a local orphanage. Most importantly I went to the orphanage and just loved on the children. They are hungry for love, attention, and to learn.
Terry and Carolyn have laid a great foundation for mission-minded people to come in and to build upon. I love pastors so these last two trips have been quite fulfilling for me. Yet, when I leave, I don’t feel I have made much headway into all the things that need to be done. The pastors are so hungry for Bible learning, pastoral education, doctrinal issues, and help in dealing with traditions of men and evangelism. There is tremendous need for people like you to share in the ministry to these gracious Haitian pastors, wives, and children. I have seen and experienced so much that I am almost to the point of begging you to consider what might be God’s calling upon your life.
There are MANY church buildings that need roofs and other repairs-can you do some construction? There are people who need training in evangelism and discipleship-can you help equip them to lead someone to Christ? There are pastors who need help in visiting homebound members-can you help a pastor in his ministry? There are children who need clothes, shoes, and school supplies-can you help provide these essentials for daily life? There are churches that need help in leading a VBS-can you help the children learn about Jesus? There are
pastors who have had very little education and God has called them to shepherd His people-can you help in training? There are pastors who need some one-on-one time with another pastor-do you enjoy mentoring other pastors? What gifts and abilities have you been given by God that could be used to bless the Haitian people?
There is a need for MORE to get involved in ministry to the Haitian people? What about you?
Thank you Pastor Greg for coming and now sharing your heart.  He and others that have come in the past have been a huge help to us and a blessing to us and the Haitian people.  Take a risk for  God, come to Haiti.  He took a risk for you, He sent His Son to die for you and Jesus took a risk and died for you.
Missionary William Carey said "Attempt great things for God and expect great things from God".
Risk= Attempting something that can only be accomplished if God is in it
Bless (in the biblical sense)=to ask for or to give in supernatural favor, goodness that only God has the power to know about and to give us.
Giving God the Glory,
Terry and Carolyn Routon
September 8, 2015 Haiti update

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
Philippians 1:3 I (we) thank my(our) God upon every remembrance of you (all of you).
Thanks to all receiving this email for your prayers and monetary support which makes it possible for us to stay here and minister to the Haitian people.
Another pastors group recently started : total of 5 including the one that meets at our house.  Three of the other 4 have 7 to 10 pastors meeting together each week also.  One group only meets 2 times a month.
Pastor Greg Bunn's marriage workshop went great with an average of 35 that attended.  He also did some one on one with the pastors.
 6 salvations in August at the market ministry.  PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!
We have enjoyed Rebecca and Jordan here for the past few months.  They have decided God is calling them to work with George and Carolanne, medical missionaries about 15 minutes from us.  They will be working in their nutrition center for children. 
For anyone sending a package or letter to us in Haiti, we have changed our mail service to Haiti:  (we will put it on our blog too) Please do not send checks because we cannot cash them in Haiti.  Please continue to send monetary gifts to our church in Clinton, name and address listed after our Haiti address:
Terry Routon
3170 Airmans Dr  #2149 NBCHM
Ft Pierce FL  34946
Church name and address for monetary gifts:
Northeast Baptist Church (Haiti Mission)
619 E Lincoln
Clinton, MO 64735
please mark Routon in the memo
 Prayer needs:
*Sept - June total cost for school year sexual purity and sharing the gospel $1000
*ATV $6000 need by December.  It is such a blessing for going into remote areas.
*The false teachings the pastors have been taught partially due to them not have bibles to study to know the truth.  We are helping them with bibles and studying material in the library and showing them in scripture where the teaching they received is wrong.  But most of the false teachings have been taught here for continuous generations so please pray the Holy Spirit will show them truth through our teachings.
Terry and Carolyn Routon
Your missionaries to Haiti