Friday, May 8, 2015

Pastors and garden

first two pics is of the pastors, the banner translates Christians in Unity Ps 133:1.  The last two is of the gardens, notice how big the hoe is.  they do all gardens no matter how big by hand with a hoe like this one.

Jan - April 2015

Jan - April 2015 Haiti Update
Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ
We are praying for rain and patiently waiting for God to answer that prayer.  Please pray with us it is needed!
  • Sexual purity till marriage:12 schools around 900 students.
  • Pastors in the market: around 50 salvations and many more have recommitted their lives to the Lord. Glory to God in the Highest!!
  • Given out 24 goats 20 to go.  One of the goats just had 2 kids, the herds are starting to build.  Praise the Lord!!  $50 per female goat.
  • Film ministry is going great.
  • Ladies have been going out to share the love of Jesus.
  • The children on Wednesday's have been learning the Easter story. We recently showed the Jesus film, children's version and a young boy accepted Jesus!!!!
We would like to help the pastors continue their work in unity by helping them with VBS' again this summer.  Last summer they had 2100 children with 290 salvations.  Let us know if you would like to help with that again.  It averages out to be about $50 per church involved.  We anticipate having 30 churches this summer.
Word of testimony from a supporter.  He said "You came to the Church of Living Water in Warsaw and shared of your work in Haiti.  I'm on a fixed income.  I prayed and this is what the Lord God showed me to give." He sent $50 to purchase a goat. 
We are back in Missouri April 14 through May 24.
We have two young ladies from Jackson, Mississippi going back with us June 9th to spend the summer, then plan to return to our area to work full time.  They will be working with an orphanage in our area and staying with us for now and helping with some of our ministries too as they have time.  We look forward to their stay with us.  They are taking a huge step of faith.  They have been teaching and did not renew their contract for next year as they feel called to Haiti.
FYI:2015 monthly budget:
  1. Rent for our house: $225.  Jan 1, 2016 will be $250.
  2. Salaries for our workers $1000 (interpreter, helper, sewing teacher, school presentation teachers)
  3. Ministry/supplies (pastors, wives, children, sewing, school presentations) $500
  4. Food, internet, gas and diesel, propane, phone, travel, truck expenses, life and health insurance and misc $1500
  5. Needs in the community: Hard to put a figure on this one. We help as we can and have the resources.
We have $1100 committed each month because God laid it on your hearts, and many of you give throughout the year as God lays it on your heart also.  God has been faithful to provide for our needs and we know He will continue to do so through His people.  Thank you for being obedient.  You are a blessing to us and the Haitian people.
Prayer request: 
*Many times the Haitian people, including Christians, fear the bad (voodoo) more than God.  Pray for those that fear voodoo will realize that greater is He that is in us than he who is in the world.  And pray the lost will want He who is in us!
*Those that God wants to come and help us this year.
*That God will supply all our need according to His riches in Glory.
*Ask God how you can be a part of what He is doing here in NW Haiti.
*Film ministry, unity with the pastors, ladies bible study, children ministry, sewing class, sexual purity till marriage in the schools.
Prayer is our greatest weapon, our sweetest occupation and our highest privilege.
Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be the glory both now and forever.

Easter story

more of the Easter story

Easter story

Acting out the Easter story for the children on Wednesdays

salvation dolls

Salvation dolls to use for sharing the gospel with children.

Outside toilet with a door!!! Bottom pic goats for churches to help them build a herd and make a way possible to sustain their church and ministry.