Thursday, December 5, 2013

December 2013 update

December 2013 update
Items needed to take with us.  We leave January 7 so would need by Jan 5th:
crochet hooks to continue the crocheting classes
trumpet new or used if in good condition(a young Haitian man we know would like to learn to play)
2 or 3 puppets for working with children
FYI: Haiti baskets for sale at Bread of Life Christian bookstore on the square in downtown Clinton MO
Also check out our blog, sign onto our blog with your email then you will get a notice on your email that we have updated our blog.
If you would like to adopt a child or a whole family in Haiti for Christmas, please contact us by email or call us at 660-351-5168.
It is good to pause and count our blessings at every birthday (or new year).  They pile up with the years.   He has work for us here and each milestone shows that He chose to have us remain to give Him a hand.  Resolve to seek God then ask Him how you can make this next year count.
Some of you ask about our days in Haiti.  It is hard to put into a definite schedule because each day can be very different.  But below is a sometimes common day.  *:) happyEnjoy
A Day in Haiti
4 a.m. start hearing roosters
4-5 a.m. wake up; get up; quiet time
6 a.m. light begins to come over the horizon
6:15 a.m. look out my window to see children picking the glowers in the yard and eating the stem or knocking almonds out of the tree, break them with a rock for a drop of food size of about 3 grains of rice
6:30 a.m. go for walk, see people out and about with hoes and machetes or carrying stuff to sell at a market somewhere.  Begin to smell wood or charcoal cooking.  See more children out scavanging for food. Elkerly widow lady looking for a dollar to buy a piece of bread and I give it to her.  A young boy taking a goat somewhere to graze.  Donkeys filled with wood or grass or water going back home.  Kids and youth on there way to get water at the nearest spring to carry back on their head, sometimes a far as a mile away.  People greeting me asking me where I am going because they don't understand why I would just be walking for my health.  Pray with those that come by or meet on the road.  Put solar lights out to charge because we have no electricity.  Prepare drinking water.  Prepare breakfast.
Mid-morning: Walk (because we have no vehicle) to get food supplies needed for the day because we have no refrigeration.  Prepare the food purchased then begin lunch.
Afternoon: Get water from cistern with buckets (because we have no running water).  Fix a shower bag with water to set in the sun to warm up for a late afternoon shower.  Disciple and/or minister to those that come by.  Go out with a pastor or someone to do some evangelism/ministry.
Late afternoon: shower.  Prepare something to eat for a evening snack.  Soon after dark retire to bed.  Hope to get sleep without interruptions of roosters, donkeys, goats noises or motorcycle horns.
Other days:
If it is a rainy day no one goes anywhere.  In school they have mud days instead of snow days.
Tuesdays: our big market day to get grains and other non perishables for the week.
Sundays: Sunday school starts anytime from 6a.m. to 8a.m. Service starts one hour later.  Finish after 3 - 4 hours sitting on hard benches.




picture update Dec 2013

pictures in this group are of our new home we rented (with indoor plumbing, Praise the Lord, He is good)

picture update Dec 2013

Kids playing

2014 Challenge

Seek what God would have you do in 2014 then DO it!!!!!

pictures update Dec 2013

ministering to others with Mitch and Debbie Walker

pictures update Dec 2013

scenery pictures (notice how barren the land is, most of Haiti is like this)

pictures update Dec 2013


crocheting class led by Debbie Walker

school building almost finished, windows should be in soon

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Bethlehem Church baptisms/August 2013

Changing area for those being baptized

Pastors conference and new church starting/August 2013

Pastor Tim, Hughesville Baptist Church teaching our pastors conference

Pastor Tim, pastors conference

Pastor Tim helping a new church in another village get started

same group as above

Pastor Tim, pastors conference with interpreter

Pastors conference with pastors and lay people attending

More of the pastors conference

Mission Statement

  • Follow Jesus.
  • Make Him known in NW Haiti through evangelism with films and discipling area pastors and others through different ministries.

Build unity among pastors by building groups that meet and share regularly, equipping them with the truth, providing teachable biblical lessons in their language to rid the influence of voodoo, false teachings and the traditions of man that go against the Word of God.

Please subscribe to this blog

Due to the slow internet service in Haiti, please subscribe to this blog via email or follow via your google, yahoo, or twitter account.  You will find this information on the lower right hand side of this blog.  When you subscribe to this blog then every update we post will be sent to your email.

If you please do this, it will simplify the process for us so we will not have to send out our updates etc to each email each time.  The blog will do it for us.

Thank you
Terry and Carolyn

Saturday, August 3, 2013

We're back in Haiti!

Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,
We are in Port au Prince getting supplies. Praise the Lord! We have the truck! Please pray for our trip and the truck taking our roofing supplies up the mountain. We will be heading out early Friday morning.
Thanks to all for your continued support and prayers. All, no matter how big or small helps and God multiplies. Your PRAYERS are so important. Words just can't express what all of you mean to us.
If all goes well and no problems or unforeseen expenses, we should have enough to get the roof on and moved in.
Quote from Jon Courson commentary "We will become shrunken little people if all we are concerned about is our little world. The Lord desires us to be big people-expansive in our view of His world and a compassion for the lost."  Acts 1:8 says we shall be (not should be) His witnesses.  Matthew 28:19&20 says to GO ye therefore (not if we want to) but a command.
Imagine what would happen if all Christians were sharing Christ while meeting needs of the poor (by feeding, clothing, etc), sick, in prison, etc., just like Jesus said in Matthew 25, in our communities, country and around the world. I believe true revival would break out and many would come to know Jesus as Savior and Lord. There would not be any need for government to intervene and try to tell us what we can and cannot do. Think about it.
As we do the above in Haiti, we have seen it open doors for the Gospel. Some accept Jesus as we minister, but, sadly, some reject it. Hell is very real, we need to be on our knees and out on the streets wherever we are. Missions should be a priority in our church and in our personal lives wherever God has us planted.
We are excited to be a part of what God is doing in NW Haiti and you should be also as you are a part by giving and praying, and some of you have gone and I believe more of you will come and see first hand.
Prayer needs:
Our house finished so we can move in sometime in September
Items being shipped from Ohio to Haiti to be released to ship and no problems
Resident visa to be granted in a timely manner and little cost
Utility Vehicle by first of 2014
Bethlehem church in Haiti and us as we equip them and work together for the Kingdom of God
Pastor Tim Smith, Hughesville Baptist Church here August 8-17 leading a pastors'
Mitch and Debbie Walker, Sedalia will be here August 17 - October 17 to help us put on
the roof and minister to the Haitian people
Please share this with your church.
God's blessings,
Terry and Carolyn

Friday, August 2, 2013

Picture Update (6) August 2013

teaching siblings to read Creole and math; they did not get to our area in time to start school, nor did they have schooling where they came from; their mom came to know Jesus while we helped them learn

building the garage, still needs a roof
passing sand to mix with cement

building our house

Building our house on top of the school building.  It will be small, but big enough. It still needs a roof, and we hope to have a team come this fall to help put on the two roofs which will cost around $5000.

some of the kids on Fridays at the Bible Club and 3:00 pm

getting ready to feed them bread and peanut butter after sharing about Jesus

Friday, July 26, 2013

Picture Update (5) July 2013

some haitian baskets - sometimes we have a variety in the states; if you would like one, let us know

they cook with wood or charcoal

playing with the kids

washing our clothes by hand - it is hard work & takes most of a day to do our laundry once a week

marching and singing with the kids

Pastor Jespert and Terry

three of the neighbor kids